☆Ooo Frozen Over☆ {an Adventure Time Roleplay} {IC Thread}

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -SBO-GracieMonster, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Rules
    1. All OOC conversations are to be held in the OOC thread. This is strictly roleplay!
    2. I control date, weather, and time.
    3. You know the rest of the rules.


    The fan-fiction characters are waking up in Ooo. Some are very confused. Ooo looks a lot like their world!
  2. Fionna: She groans, grasping her head. "Ugh, my head. Where am I, anyway?"
  3. Finn: -fighting a dragon-
  4. BMO: -stuck in a tree- mmhpmh
  5. Fionna: Confused, she unsteadily balances herself up. She begins wandering, exploring this strange land, almost identical to hers. "Whoa.."
  6. BMO: -keeps trying to pull himself out- tree! Let go!
  7. Fionna: "Huh?" She looks up into a tree, her eyes widening. "BMO?!"
  8. BMO: who is it? Tell the tree to let go!
  9. Fionna: "It's Fionna. Here, let me help." She grabs her crystal sword, the one Bubblegum Prince gave her, and pierces it right into the tree's face. "Let go!"
  10. BMO: -tugs out, landing on the ground- bad tree! Bad!
  11. Fionna: She giggles.
  12. Lord MonoChromicorn: -stamps foot irritated-
  13. Finn: -finishes beating up the dragon and walks back to treehouse-
  14. BMO: the tree had me and was eating my head!
  15. Monochromicorn: -flies over ooo and finds Fiona and BMO-
  16. (( PS The fanfic world is called Aaa ))

    Marshall Lee: * casually floats around with an umbrella and drops onto the grass once he sees Fionna. He smirks at the sight of her stabbing the tree *

    Well well well. What do we have here?
  17. (I knew that...)
  18. Fionna: "Great, it's Marshall." She grunts, brushing her bangs away from her eyes.
  19. Monochromicorn:-lands near Fionna-