Rules 1. All OOC conversations are to be held in the OOC thread. This is strictly roleplay! 2. I control date, weather, and time. 3. You know the rest of the rules. --- The fan-fiction characters are waking up in Ooo. Some are very confused. Ooo looks a lot like their world!
Fionna: Confused, she unsteadily balances herself up. She begins wandering, exploring this strange land, almost identical to hers. "Whoa.."
Fionna: "It's Fionna. Here, let me help." She grabs her crystal sword, the one Bubblegum Prince gave her, and pierces it right into the tree's face. "Let go!"
(( PS The fanfic world is called Aaa )) Marshall Lee: * casually floats around with an umbrella and drops onto the grass once he sees Fionna. He smirks at the sight of her stabbing the tree * Well well well. What do we have here?