my love for pungent and typoking

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A-_-Canadian_Nanuk-_-D, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Okay. I was just trolling forums when I came upon Nicks thread proclaiming his love for Pun. Well I felt it only right that I write this proclaiming my love for both. Pun invited me to join his club which is there that I met Nick. Soon we all 3 couldn't stand to be away from each other. The thought of one mere second apart just made us like babies. So we had to hide our love affair so the ladies wouldn't find out. But being as smart as they are they seen through our charade! So it is only right that I finally let everyone know and quit hiding my love for Pun and Nick

    I hate u trace 
    And ur dares
  2. 
  3. Brent I knew it would come out like this.
  4. Woah. Now it's become a three-way-bromance? Loll.
  5. Crazy dudes. U make me laugh non-stop to myself. Lol.
  6. Omg! I've been outed! 
  8. It's okay Holly, we can still have each other 
  9. 
  10. 

    The man love is extra strong today

    I'm slightly jelly 
  11. Bump the dares
  12. Wowzers, that's.... Not that surprising jk
  13. Lets dont forget jay. Hes our secret lover too.
  14. Jay is the fourth person. Brent. How could you?
  15. You mean the 4th he's telling you about Holly 
  16. Sounds like an usher song
  17. Pun omg Brent please tell me it's not true
  18. Gotta love a good bromance!