I need to take my mind off things, so here's ANOTHER drawing thread. Same rules like always, I'm not a robot, my schedule is packed, but I'm trying to make time for things. Don't get aggravated when I can't do your request, I'll tell you if I can't, and check regularly if you want to see yours because I can't notify you if I'm done with it, sorry. I will only do fanart of Legend of Korra, Avatar the Last Airbender, Homestuck, Adventure Time, My Little Pony, Pokemon and Naruto. On a side note, I don't do mecha or hardcore anthro, and I can't do ridiculously perf detailed pokemanz like Regigas, and my art block makes me unable to connect with my inner-mangaka. YAY ARTIST TERMS NOBODY UNDERSTANDS If you steal/trace/claim my art as yours I will suckerpunch you in the virtual gut and find you. I WILL find you, pap you, and smother you with reassuring 'your daddy didn't hate you' comments while you cry on my shirt and have snot flying everywhere because I care. I care, that you're not creative enough to do your own Goddamn work, and care for your future. Your future, that will have me sueing yo ass. With that said, my art is NOT stock, you CANNOT claim it as yours, STEAL, or TRACE it. Show the artist some respect. Don't feel so safe on the Internet, peeps. I had to scold two people's asses for even attempting art theft, don't think I won't do that to you too. >:0 Sorry about last time. If you'd like, post your last requests I did not complete and I'll do them. Europe was craaaaaaaay 8) Read through before you post. Samples: WHAT I MEAN BY SMALL POKEMON ^ i USED to draw them with pens, until they all died. SORRY. ALL OF THESE ARE ON MY TUMBLR DEVIANTART FB AND ETC. ;> well, only constructive criticism is welcome. This may or may not fail. Thankksjd
@Brozzy TANK U<3333933 I could do another one! :> anyone up for more obscure pairins like finncelineeee or bubblineeeee