Sweets I love ya. Hang in there. Nicole learn to not be a hypocrite. You're calling her a *****, while acting like one. This thread wasn't towards you, and while yes it is a public forum and anyone can post, you really should grow up.
@Bitterly Go act like an ass on another thread. Shan, I know we haven't talked for a while, and I'm silenced. But if you want anyone to talk to, please, my pal is open. I'm sorry I haven't been anywhere lately for my friends, especially you, and I can't even begin to fathom the shit you're going through at the moment. I want to relate, and even though our situations may be different I want to understand and BE THERE FOR YOU. ,_,
I don't know you but I empathise with you. We all know someone who has died or has been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. It is difficult to comprehend how these people can cope. Emotions often vary as time goes on. Yes, he has been given a time frame but sometimes that is all it is. Doctors are not gods. My own mother lived 5 years longer than the time she was given. The time helps to prepare everyone involved. For you all to make every moment count. It won't be easy but life seldom is. The best we can hope for is that it will get better. You and your family are in my thoughts.
Amen at Jenni and Chloe. Shan sweetie I'm here for you know this you silly pimd mother I'm sorry that you going through this stuff
Shan, you don't deserve it. You're a good person. Most of us couldn't dedicate our lives to helping others the way you have. I, personally, would probably come home crying a lot. His diagnosis sucks, but at least your sister and soon to be brother-in-law found each other before it was too late. They got time to be happy and to experience true love. And the doctors might be wrong. He may live much longer than they say. @Nicole, you don't need to be rude. She is obviously going through a rough time. Sometimes you just need to vent. What would be ****** and selfish would be if she said it to her sister/family instead of venting on here. Just let her get it off her chest.
I think Nicole would be more understanding if I Shans' attitude and the way she spoke (typed) was different. I'm only putting this in because I don't know Nicole or Shan and showing an opinion that isn't influenced by other things.
Just imagine me talking in a British accent now then. "Jost eymagine me tolking in a British accent naoh then." Thanks for your kind words everyone. They're very thoughtful.
Unicorn, I like both of them. I'm just saying that's how it comes across to me. If I said anything rude, I blame the Percocet.
Sorry This is happening to you Shan but I think the rest of you should stop being hypocrites. When not known people make threads like this you don't react like this and you tell them to pipe down. Shan, stop attention seeking in forums and pipe down. You know you have friends who love you and support you. So if you really feel you're a bitch, which you have said so before and made threads about, then yes you are. I'm not gonna sugar coat and give you the attention you want like everyone else. And before someone tries to jump me for this, this isn't the first attention seeking thread she's made and gone all 'yes I'm a bitch and deserve bad things happen to me'. And if it was someone unknown repeatedly making these attention seeking threads you would be against them, including you Chloe.
Excuse me? Lady, I've seen you around. Don't go around calling people hypocrites when all you do is go around acting like a huge bitch in hopes of garnering attention for doing what you think 'is the right thing', which is ripping threads down by tearing up the OPs. Attention seeking? Darling, isn't that what the purpose of threads are? If you hate reading these, I suggest you turn away and mind your own Goddamn business. This is a fucking app. You don't know their personal lives, don't try to tell people to stop seeking attention when you don't know what they're going through. :|
Me? I admit to being a huge bitch, and doing terrible stuff back in the days. What I deny is your claim to me going against these threads. It's human nature. Shan is my friend. I see signs of hurt, whether that be in public or private, I will throw a goat and slap a bitch and burn down buildings and shit and try to do my best to help. As for a stranger, a passerby? I'm not as inclined to hurridely rush over to help, since I'm not aware of their circumstances or anything of the sort, and I don't feel as much towards them as I would a friend. That doesn't make me a hypocrite, it means I'm wary and cautious. That also doesn't mean that I would take delight in ripping their self esteem apart now (I don't remember the past, sorry). No, seriously though, your logic is pretty flawed, just sayin'. :| And can we just try not to make any arguments? I'm tired of throwing oil in people's faces and burning their eyes with paragraphs and paragraphs of words that probably don't mean jackshit on the internet.
Yes I do it for attention If I wanted attention and popularity, saying what I think is not what I'd do. I'd kiss everyone's ass. And exactly, it's an app, a game. Like I said she has friends who love her, she can go to them. and it's quite hypocritical of you Chloe since you have a habit of attacking people for making attention seeking threads. But cuz it's one of your friends it's different. And actually no, I don't always 'tear down OP's'. If I've got something to say about the thread then I'll say it. She has friends on here, as we always see in her 'I'm a bitch I deserve to have shit happening to me' threads. She can go to them instead of plastering her rl issues on here and then being a bitch about it when someone does point out at something. It's always the same thing every time. I've never said anything before in her last threads but I'll say something now.
Lol where am I asking you to slate her? But you're all giving Nicole crap for things you lot tend to do yourself.
One statement is not crap. It's an opinionated statement that really shouldn't affect anyone through a fucking screen, but if you're that affected because I called this "Nicole", who is not you, an ass, then okay. (大汗)
And tbh what Nicole said wasn't even bad she didn't say anything to slate her. Just giving back what Shan herself was say. That's she's a bitch(not saying shan is one). And if you come across a certain way, then people would react a certain way.