Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Mikel_Jackson (01), Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Oh god. PewDiePie<3!!! I love that man... Seriously. We've been engaged for eight months. Nine if you count the whole... awkward talking stage >.>

  2. @The_Cash_lover
    I didn't mean his voice overall. I meant when he does that PEEWWDIIEEPIEE thing it erks the crap out of me. And I just told you I don't like him so why the hell would I look things up about him? Maybe you should learn some things before hand :roll:
  3. @ Fps_Ireland

    He does the intro things because he took a poll and his fans seemed to like it better. Honestly I don't like Pewdiepie either but it's not hard to watch one video about his life. So like I said before, learn things before you judge people. :roll:
  4. U can tell he's getting bored of that intro
  5. PEWDIEPIE! >:0

    Watching him play Misao made it less scary. C:
  6. Hi x anyone like Deadmau5!!!!  :/ o.o
  7. ^ I liked the song deadmau5 did with Gerard Way. :D

    Is it bad I have no clue who PewdiePie is... 0-0
  8. Its a guy that does videos on you-tube like smosh!!
  9. What the hell is pewdiepie
  10. He is a YouTuber. And no he is NOTHING like Smosh.

    Pewdiepie- Gaming cometary

    Smosh- Short Skits.
  11. Smosh do both but not really commentary . More like playing and giving reactions
  13. Yeah smosh does do gaming stuff but they dont play a game more than once
  14. New episodes, every single day of the week. <3 *o*
  15. PewDiePie is awesome yes
  16. I like pewdiepie and smosh i just knew about smosh sooner than i did pewdiepie
  17. I dont think so i mean this app is insane and im sure he wont like it
  18. Obviously I'm a bro cause of my name (the only reason why I made this name) but I think it's a bad BAD! Idea to make pewdiepie play this game.. It's full of pervs...