Oh god. PewDiePie<3!!! I love that man... Seriously. We've been engaged for eight months. Nine if you count the whole... awkward talking stage >.> BROFIST.
@The_Cash_lover I didn't mean his voice overall. I meant when he does that PEEWWDIIEEPIEE thing it erks the crap out of me. And I just told you I don't like him so why the hell would I look things up about him? Maybe you should learn some things before hand :roll:
@ Fps_Ireland He does the intro things because he took a poll and his fans seemed to like it better. Honestly I don't like Pewdiepie either but it's not hard to watch one video about his life. So like I said before, learn things before you judge people. :roll:
Obviously I'm a bro cause of my name (the only reason why I made this name) but I think it's a bad BAD! Idea to make pewdiepie play this game.. It's full of pervs...