Falling Into༘ Pieces

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CallMeNoona, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. He visited her often. He would walk through the halls of the music department, ignoring all the stares and walk right into the practice room facility. She was there every lunch hour and he liked listening to her while he ate.

    "You're here again?" she asked.

    He smiled at her. "Of course. I enjoy listening to you play," he told her.

    "You don't have to come every day," she said. She was clearly frustrated but he didn't take note of it. "You don't have to come at all," she said under her breath.

    "Say something?" He asked.

    She looked back at the piano. "No." She wished her brother would come and watch her but he had never done so. He was rarely home so he couldn't listen to her then either.

    "Are you dating anyone?"

    Her face flushed a bright red. "No..."

    "Do you like anyone?"

    She blushed deeper. "N-no..."

    "You do like someone!" He said and he stood up. "Who is it?"

    "It's none of your business!" She said. "I don't like anyone at this moment so please don't bring this up please," she said.

    He pouted a bit. "It was just a question. Hey, are you free after school?"


    "Soccer try outs are today and I was wondering if you wanted to come watch me?"

    She took her eyes away from the piano and looked over at him. She could tell he really wanted her to go. He reminded her of a puppy. "I'm sorry. I'm busy after school. I need to focus for my exam."

    He looked a disappointed but she merely just turned back to the piano.

    "Maybe next time then," he said.

    "Yeah maybe," she replied.

    "Why do you like the piano so much?" he asked.

    "Because someone I admire plays the piano..."

    "A first love?" He joked.

    "You could call him that. His name was Isaya Wahlberg. When I was little, my father took me to a concert with him. He was young and he performed a piano concerto, Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2. You could say I 'fell in love' with him there. And fell in love with the piano. I hope to become really good so he will recognize me and he and I can meet."

    "You love him?"

    "I wouldn't necessarily say I love him. He's more like someone I look up too... an idol. But I want to get my name out there in the world so he might find me."

    "You seem to be quite attached to that wish."

    "Of course. Don't you wish for something?"

    "Not really."

    "Well when you find something you really wish for you'll understand why I'm so passionate about what I do and what I wish for."


    "You will."

    She smiled a bit. She was reminded of that time when she first saw that man perform. She had admired him very much. She was going to work hard so she could compete with someone like him. She wanted that recognition. And so far she was getting closer and closer to her dream.
  2. Asdfghjkl  why am I in love with this so much?!?! I'm not a romance type  This is amazing 
  3. This is so good ^.^
  4. .......I'm speechless!! Amazing absolutely amazing!!!
  5. BUMP!!! I like it
  6. Awws. 
  7. Gray was home when she got home. He was rarely home before her. She smiled at him as she entered the kitchen and he smiled back. The kitchen was bright and the sun shone in through the kitchen windows rather prettily at this time of day.

    "You're home early," she said quietly.

    "Yeah I didn't feel so well, so I went home at lunch hour," he responded.

    "Oh, are you alright?"


    She smiled again. "That's good to hear," she said.

    "Hannah..." He walked towards her and he pinned her against the counter. "Did you know that I..." he began before the phone rang.

    Startled and flustered, Hannah pushed her way past him and picked up the phone. "H-hello?" She said in a rather hastily.

    "What's wrong Hannah? You sound surprised or something." It was her mother.

    "Oh mom! No I'm okay, I don't know what came over me," she said trying to calm down. But as she was trying to calm down, Gray came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist and held her close.

    "So are you and Gray okay?" She asked.

    "What? What do you mean by that?!"

    "Well I mean, your father and I will be late from work and I was wondering if you two would be fine by yourselves?"

    "Yes! Sorry I have to go Mom!" She hung up the phone and took a deep breath. "Stop."

    He held her tighter and lightly kissed her neck.

    "Stop it! What are you doing?!" She demanded.

    "I just wanted to tell you that..."

    She was frightened. She didn't want to hear this, not from him. When had he become like this? Why was he doing this to her? But for some reason her heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt her hands and knees weakening. She close her eyes as if waiting for all of this to be over.

    "...you are the best little sister," he continued and he released her.

    She opened her eyes and saw that he had fled the kitchen. "Gray..." she whispered and she leaned her back against the counter.

    Why had he done that? She had been so sure that he had an ulterior motive... Suddenly the phone rang again and she sprung forwards. "Hello?" She answered.

    "Hey! It's me, Alan!"

    "How do you know my number?" She asked.

    "You gave it to me yesterday remember? You told me to call you if I ever needed someone to talk to haha."

    She didn't remember that but she let it slide. "Okay. Well what do you want then?"

    "I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?"

    "Hang out?"

    "Yeah! As friends? Maybe go to a movie or something?"

    "I'm busy," she said almost immediately. "I have lots of homework and I need piano practice. Sorry, maybe some other time."

    "Ahh I understand. Hey... are you okay?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "You sound a bit... never mind. I'll see you at school tomorrow then?"

    She sighed. She had come to realize that was a bit annoying. "You normally make that your duty to come see me everyday. Why should tomorrow be any different?"

    He laughed. "I guess that's true. See you tomorrow then Hannah!"

    "Yeah," she responded and she hung the phone up. Why was he so persistent on being friends with her? There was nothing special about her and she was sure he could see it.

    "Who was that?"

    She jumped. "Oh Gray..."

    Gray stood in the kitchen entrance. "A friend?"

    "I wouldn't call him a friend..." she said softly. "More like a..."


    "Not that either!" She said. "Alan is just someone who approached me for some reason. He wants to be friends with me... but you know me... I'm not very good at making friends or keeping them."

    "You're fine the way you are. He probably sees you like that too."

    She blushed and she looked at the ground. "But I..."

    "I said that because I meant it. You are fine the way you are, don't say any different," he said and he smiled gently.

    She smiled. "Thank you," she said quietly.

    "I'm only telling the truth," he said.

    She smiled again. "Thank you," she said once again. She was happy to hear something tell her that.
  8. Someone*

    Very good love it
  9. Oh yeah I was going to put "something like that" and then I changed my mind and forgot to change something to someone
  10. Wait that was her brother? Why was he doing that . BUMPPPP 
  11. Haha B-U-M-P
  12. Ahhhhh, Katie you and your pedophilia.
  13. Incest? 0.0  bump
  14. Awesome story! :) BUMP! :D