I've been there, horrible beaches.... You can't do anything on the beach, it ain't as nearly fun as other beaches.
Well then you choose a place since everyone else's ideas don't suit you just make sure cookies are provided
I'm in Vegas. It's like another other city. The only thing that makes its significant is the gambling. But the portion where I am is just like any other suburb.
Better bring metal sensors and mace...too many creeps and weirdos but I'd be down to go and lurk..as long as popcorn and bullet proof vests were provided too many people hate each other...and what about people like me that change screen names everyday I guess I'd be a chameleon
Where I live, the economy is heavily dependent on tourism. And our main attraction would be gambling. Turn around and you'll se one or two casinos after you step foot into the city. Even besides our school there are about three to six of them.