Hey Immortals

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The_Chosen_Few, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Justina

  2. I.... I dont even..... what?
  3. 

    Jopo... Basically we all love you.
  4. Awwwwwww 

    Me loves you too 
  5. Jopo

    I'm not Asian 
  6. So how are immortals not in top 5 clubs? you guys were beast back in 2010
    what happened
  7. Well it has survived most than the rest who were also 'beast' ..

    And idk which others. But I remember there being many.
  8. Why does the good stuff happen when I'm at work? :/

  9. Lovers Quarrel Dex 
  10. Kelon, immortals dropped due to inactivity and people leaving to other clubs.

    Within days of Lois opening it back up it hit the leader boards and it has enjoyed a spot there ever since.
  11. immortals
  12. Thanks for the info royal
  13. Visiting immortals.can you let us it 
  14. Ima visit immortals again soon.