using? Ehhh it's kinda a roommate situation I pay half the bills she pays half. If I leave her shell lose The house to. And I'd rather be miserable in a home than miserable and homeless
he actually danced me today. I could have swore he was inactive but he decided to dance me. And lose miserably. So I hit him 32 times
Ok, this got way off topic... Back to the question on everyone's mind. How does one "Stocking" another?? Waiting for the answer!!
When your talking to her dont keep asking for pics cause its really annoying and dont be afraid to ask her questions, and please dont talk to her like your a pedo cause most/all girls dont like it. Please use these tips and good luck
I want tips to… on how to get a girl to get the message that she creeps me the hell out and I don't wanna talk to her anymore
I don't see what's so hard about finding a gf. This might sound stupid, but add in an emoji or two. Express your expression? She'll tend to loosen up. Be friendly. All this comes naturally. You can never force it on to her. When 'love' comes, It comes..
Told you it sounds stupid! But hey.. its just my opinion. Flirting or trying too hard might make a guy sound like a pushover. Soo.. Instead of trying too hard, why not just be yourself?