_Rare-secret-beauty- If its so rare why hide the fact that u have a wonderful hide. If beauty is only skin deep Can i cut u open and watch u weep split the times and so the crimes the penalty is death so what that rhymes until ur dying breath FI runs cold until u grow old this rap isnt as good but better then fi-josh and his hood Hes our token Britt Also kind of a dim whit With all this rap im losing my touch maybe crim will.come back with something to munch
Round 3 and I'm ready to kill Britt shuld get a head start Trynna run in sum heels U were told to go against me! Sumone wanted u killed U wuld have a better chance swallowing a hand full of pills saying that I'm crazy better head for the hills cuz I'm sinking MFz like a tsunami on wheels
Pfft head start Ill start last Glass slipper first class You raps are the same Which is a snore Zzzz sorry fell asleep on that bore It's always the same Come with something new It's like rapping with a kid What 2 2 But let this sink into That shallow deep brain I'm the queen of this shit And I can't be tamed
Idk it must just be hard to rap about me. Crim to make it fair u gotta rap bout me too. Ill call a winner
Meatwad get the money see Meatwad get the honeys see Travel in my car Live like a star Ice on my fingers, on my toes and in my cars
Im not sure what you just said crime just relax bro u still got time Come one guys follow the champ Hope u stretch and not to cramp Did i say cramp i meant choke And that little lady is weak torn and broke this aint real life only make believe so heres to u as i roll up my sleeve Its a one two punch from the right and left u gunna come in last i got depth from my brain to the floor and whats this bout britt please close that DOOR
She has a glass slipper But I bet it don't fit Must be the reason that she walk wit a limp I been killed u sweetie u just catching my drift Now grab ur pencil take notes and pick up ur bottom lip!
Mariah here's for u I'm sorry britt tried to steal ur shoe Mariah u lookin for a champ well here is ur clue I left the comp behind like they sitting in glue Tiny claims he's the champ but has no proof I'm the hottest thing smoking even in a igloo So choosing a winner shuldn b hard to do Come take a ride wit a star! As we surf on the moon
The slipper fits perfect You should know you put it on you thought that was it over While your long gone My raps are lyrical So fucking miracle Make you call me papí Because you know who the boss be get off that ladder Your just falling so short If give you another chance But id waste my LiL time Your too busying yapping about this and that Be careful almost stepped over the mat
so im not defending star As he raps like a sniper from afar This britt loves jopo doesnt get last word girl ill make ur soar like a bird Take these words and be advised Here comes Mr T greatly revised That little glass slipper only broke cause jopo i dont kno but he can flippin choke i got something for u that britt love and its long and hard and fits like a glove My raps may need a polish But i listen to country like any white boy should here rare beauty take this Im a one man band from they south texas hood not really a hood More like the caliche And ill make i scream like the indian tribe apache so as this is my last rhyme ill take a slumber hopefully ill meet u at war watch my plunder