Living in the 90's

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chris_Redfield_67, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. WowI was seven when Friends started. For me, the 90s was the best decade, because most of my childhood was in that time period.I remember the millennium count-downnow that was funI had my first champagne then!
  2. Down with the furby. Evil creatures. >.<
  3. Yeah, like those furby..cute little evil creatures..>_<
  4. How badass was power rangers in the 90's? Come on man the green ranger would destroy all of the new ones by himself. All this samurai ninja jungle rangers or whatever they are now is lame
  5. ooh at first i read A Day To Remember not A Decade To Remember. anywayss. yeah 90's was fun tamagochi and all of those amazing tv shows!! lmao. good days. but heyy early 2000's wasn't that bad.
  6. What made 90's te best that hasn't been said yet? Or that I haven't seen?

    Super Mario world
    Mario kart
    Mortal kombat series
    Mario all stars
    Zelda:A link to the past
    Killer instinct
    Street fighter
    Contra 3
    Smash TV
    Final fantasy 2
    Star Fox
    Donkey kong
    And any other great games I have missed.
  7. Dialup Internet lol took five days to download a song
  8. But that made you appreciate the song so much more
  9. The dial up tone was so beautiful 
  10. I remember dragon ball z would all ways randomly restart from the beginning right before Goku would fight frieza always got me so mad haha
  11. Dont forget Nickeloden which had SNICK on Saturday nights.

    TGIF which showed Boy meets world, Sabrina the teenageI forgot the other two shows.

    When MTV actually strode for MTV..
    Making of music videos, Beavis and butthead, Daria, video countdowns....etc etc etc etc to many awesome shows MTV had to remember

    Remember skip it
    I never got my easy bake oven
    I own a fury one is unopened
    does anyone still own a working giga pet
    remember puppy surprisemine only had two puppies
  12. rubber bands and jackstones.

    i am sailor moon, the champion of justice. in the name of the moon i will right wrong and triumph over evil, and that means you!  totally.
  13. Point of note: Skateboarding started in the 70's.
  14. r u guys making fun of meed edd nd eddy
  15. Sailor moon? that guy on there was a straight up g the masked suit or whatever his name was

  17. Just got the full series of RML watching it now
  18. Rockos modern life? That's on Netflix I love tha show
  19. I need TP for my... 