I stared at him curiously but he seemed to be struggling with his words for the first time. He leaned forward as if studying my face, his deep brown eyes looking into mine. “Believe in me,” he said under his breath, and his large hand came forward, stroking my cheek. I felt my skin grow hot under his touch, and when he at last moved his hand away my skin tingled at the loss. I heard the crunch of gravel from outside and knew that cars were beginning to arrive to pick up the guests. Glancing at the large grandfather clock in the hallway I saw that it was almost midnight. When the first chime began ringing out, Ian pulled away from me entirely and hurried away. I stood there as people began filing from the ballroom, feeling confused. A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I jumped. “Jeez, don’t be so frightened,” said a female voice, laughing. I recognized it immediately as Giselle. “Don’t make fun of me,” I said playfully, but unable to exude my usual energy. Tonight had been exhausting. Giselle gave a dramatic sigh. “Really now, what have you been up to on this island? It took all I had to keep Prince Orcello from running to your side the entire dance,” she lamented. I laughed nervously. “Don’t be silly, you’re imaging things.” Our friendly banter continued outside and we at last parted ways. I climbed into the car that was waiting for me and pondered over the night on the way back to Hotel Calla. Once I was back inside my room I carefully removed myself from the exquisite green dress, and wiped off my makeup, taking a quick shower before I dressed in my pajamas for the night. I sat at my computer, the cursor blinking on an empty word document. Werner needed his article, but I wasn’t sure what I should write. I began recounting the events as neutrally as possible. The princes; their behavior had been so strange. I couldn’t even think how to word it in the correct manner. How could I say that they had been fighting on the centennial that celebrated their peace treaty? I sighed and finished off the article as best I could before sending it to Werner. Climbing into bed I stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I at last passed into a fitful dream where the five princes were preparing to go to war. I awoke in a cold sweat to a knock at my door. Blinking sleep from my eyes I glanced around before my gaze came to rest upon the clock. I gasped as I realized it was already 10am, and I had overslept. The knocking came again, insistent this time. “H-Hold on!” I called out, jumping from bed and struggling to fit my leg through a pair of pants that had been discarded upon the floor. Brushing my hair from my face I hobbled to the doorway, and swung it open. Standing there were two men in immaculate outfits, both who I had seen before. The first was the young man from Equix with his spiked up light brown hair and large grey eyes. The other was a more serious man with neat jet black hair and equally dark eyes. They both looked slightly stunned at my disheveled appearance. “Uhh,” I began showing my eloquence. The black-haired servant bowed low. “On behalf of Crown Prince Siegfried von Adler of the Thiamat Kingdom, I extend an invitation from his highness to join him upon his yacht this afternoon.” The brown-haired man glared. Turning to me he gave a little smile and bowed as well. “Prince Ian Kirtak would like you to accompany him upon his yacht this afternoon. He awaits a favorable reply.” In my worn jeans with unkempt hair I felt my jaw drop open. This couldn’t be happening… Decision Time <Join Prince Siegfried> <Join Prince Ian> Voting lasts 24 hours. Popular choice continues the story. In case of a tie, next poster regardless if voted already or not breaks the tie. Vote for only one. If you don't vote, you don't have a say in the story!
Ummm...This makes the readers a hard decision....But i finally made my mind!prince siegfried!!!!!I love your style of writing,Jihi!I am amazed at how you managed to capivate readers to read on your story!
Um… Siegfried. No…Ian Wait…Siegfired FUCK THIS!!! IAN IAN IAN IAN IAN Wait I mean SiegfriedGive me a second to think
I'LL CHOOSE... *drum rolls* PRINCE SIEGFRIED: THE TSUNDERE PRINCE! And since it's Prince Ian's birthday on March 12, then I'll give him the chance to be with the heroine. LOL~ I'll pick the APARTMENT!
every time I try and guess which one you guys will vote for, it ends up the other one. Siegfried it is Update.... Soonish, I'm moving into my new apartment Friday wish me luck that I can assemble a bed. Keep voting on Prince Kirtak's bday location
Jihi we're just undecided fans. Everytime we love another prince . (Well, except for Zane. Zane seems to be the least favourite prince . Though I must admit Zaney is awesome . Siegfried is just better) Also good luck with the bed . May the odds be ever in your favour.