(The way Yuuki plays sports is like a dance, graceful and no movements wasted. The way Kuroko plays sports is 'cool' and 'unique' the way he does everything is allowed, but different from what you usually see people doing.)
(Can there be like, music practice rooms? Because just a music hall that is shared with theatre is too little to practice, and the rooms aren't sound proof so the music will get out.)
(How do you know the rooms aren't sound proof, all recording studios are! And there are practice rooms, I just thought you guys would've figured out that there are practice rooms. And the theatre is not in the same room as the music hall, they are just built the same way.)
Rosaline; All types of gymnastics, speed, flexibility.. That sort of stuff.. - laughs - you don't look like the sporty type...
(Ah... ((saying ah to make you sound smarter)) I meant rooms as in dorm rooms XD and i thought there was only one recording studio)
(Ypu guys must think I'm stupid now /hides in a corner rocking back and forth chanting softly: Assumptions are bad. Assumptions are bad. Assumptions are bad./)
Tay: -heads to a music practice room with her guitar- Dan: -gets out his art set and finds the chalk- Perfect!
Jess: *Looks at Rosaline trying to work out what she meant by that and frowns more.* Meh. *She goes back and turns her speakers up, playing somewhere in neverland by ATL and continues to jog around the track.*
Rosaline; - laughs and shouts - your also not the talking type are you? - walks over to the speakers with her voice getting drowned out by the music -