Mistake Guys Do!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X_-iKgurl-_CapriciousGodess_-X, Feb 23, 2013.

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  1. I love choxolate i have freedom foreva
  2. A well fed *man* never strays.
  3. it's a saying maybe just a Australian one
  4. women will b free foreva
  5. I think this is false not all lads are the same and us men do listen its you not yu ツ
  6. women r free spirits hahaha
  7. Lock this thread darnit
  8. .Either mods find the comments interesting, Or they arent on computers
  9. Angelmet been trying soo hard to get last comment before lock. She thinks its some kind of big achievement or something
  10. no its fun and i will get it
  11. Dammit mod. Lock this fucking thread already
  12. lock it ok if u want
  13. Still not locked ==
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