rp for awesome ppl

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BrutalVampireMentality, Feb 23, 2013.

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  1. Lol did she just seriously call you a nerd for that?

    Ahhh stupidity these days. Makes me giggle.
  2. Ahhh ppl with wierd names... Makes me gag
  3. Too bad there isn't any cure for ignorance.
  4. People*
  5. Weird*
    Maybe it's time you ought to go back to middle school.
  6. O___O you beat me to it...
  7. .... my username.

    Again; ahhh stupidity these days.....
  8. I dont care about spelling mate
  9. Ignorance? Just plain stupidity, who would care, let's just leave her alone ๎€‘
  10. Let's rp. You be a mute who can't type and I'll be me ๎”
  11. CASPER!!!!
  12. Underscore man!
  13. My friend it's nice to see you.
  14. Yo just read my status
  15. ๎‰“Ehem. You've done enough for us to judge you
  16. Do you feel that lily?

    That's me,

    :3 that sounded quite smooth?
  17. This thread makes want to have a low stat alt just to farm.
  18. You too! Where ya been?
  19. Darling, we don't hate you. We're just not stupid enough to actually waste our feelings on someone as deranged and foolish as you.
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