You guys are completely useless, even when you're attempting to 'invade' PiMD. Go stay in your make believe world of avatar clothing and don't come out. Ever.
Jegus fuck, are you all stubborn kids who write 1D fiction and cry when you fail after one of your dumb invasions or what? Seriously, even the 10 year olds here have a better IQ score than the majority of you.
The majority. What's the use? You're only giving your game a bad name. Nobody cares about HSH. Go home, you're drunk. :|
Lol what approval? I'm just joking, I don't even want to start something. I just want to act like a noob right now.
You know what's funny? The noobs that try harder than you and type like paraplegic monkeys are actually more entertaining. Sorry man, but at least you tried. :|