Icknield for the Talented [RP]

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Jack: -still riding with his bass slung over his shoulder-
  2. BLAIRE *decides to cook something*

    Davvi: *walks out into the field while dancing her little jig randomly*
  3. Cruz: -grabs some of the quick feet standees out of the equipment house and drags them outside-
  4. Annabelle: *Finally finds dorm room and realizes she doesnt have a dorm mate yet* *Starts to unpack clothes and put up posters*
  5. Jack: -stops and sits, playing a few notes on his bass-
  6. Name: Ran Yakumo
    Age: 18
    Look: [​IMG]
    Personality: quiet but very easily to tick off. Rather keep to self
    Habits: plays harp and sings
  7. Name: ran y.akumo
  8. Cruz: -places the standees on the field-
  9. Rosaline; - finds her way to her dorm and quickly gets changed into a white blouse, black leggings and black dolly shoes- That'll do.. - checks her hair before leaving the dorm and walking around the academy place thing-
  10. Cruz: -starts dribbling around the standees and taking practice shots-
  11. Rosaline; - walks outside campus and takes a look around -
  12. Cruz: -keeps dribbling and taking shots-
  13. Rosaline; - sees Cruz - So, your a sporty guy are you? - smiles and sits on the grass -
  14. Cruz: -looks up- Huh? Oh, um, yeah I guess
  15. Kuroko: You're going to need at least 5 more players to beat us -winks-

    Yuuki: -smirks- -observes movements-
  16. Jess: *Still unpacking in her dorm.*
  17. Alana: Picks up her violin and walks away. "It was nice to meet you...and thanks for cheering me up, Kirs!"

    Kirsten: "You're welcome...byee Ally!"
  18. Jess: *Puts her microphone case under her bed then kicks her empty suitcase to one side, and looks around.*
  19. Oliver
    *Pushes his glasses further up his nose and walks over to the receptionist.*

    Hi, I'm Oliver Barker.

    Receptionist: Ok... *Types loudly on the computer.*
    You're in room 419. *Hands him his room key and multiple leaflets.*

    Oliver: Thanks. *Casually walks away and carries his suitcases up the stairs.*
  20. Jack: -plays a few chords-