Raz- Thanks. -smiles warmly, and kicks Jade brotherly on the leg- Jade. Lets go. Jade- -awkwardly runs to her room, and shuts the door- Raz- ........I didn't know she could do that........ Um........
Rosaline; hmm.. If your clever then I think you are a geek.. - leans in - no matter what rank you are. - straights back up and walks down the corridor -
Oliver *Trudges up the steps of the main building to the reception. Pushes open the heavy door with his numb lankey hands and walks over to the receptionist.*
TIMETABLES: Mon: English, Math, Science, Subject, Subject. Tue: English, Math, History, Geography, Subject. Wed: Science, Math, RE, PHSCE, Subject. Thu: Tutor, Science, Subject, Subject, Music. Fri: Subject, Subject, PE, FP, Drama. Subject means one of the optional subjects you chose before you arrived at the school. PSHCE stands for Physical Social Health Community Education. RE stands for Religious Education. PE means Physical Education. FP means Free Period. Tutor means 'Home Room' or 'Tutor Period'.
( what day is it?) Rosaline; Martial Arts, Speed and Flexibility.. In other words Karate, Taekwondo, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Gymnastics. Yours is?
Tay: -goes to get her timetable- Christian: -in his room arranging things- Dan: -looking through his timetable outside-
Jade- -peeks out of door and sees Raz, glaring- Oh. Crap. Raz- You are unbelievable. -goes to his room- Jade- That means were cool, right?
(Sunday!) Kirsten: She memorises her timetable, then sits next to Alana in the English corridor. "Happy birthday, Ally..." Alana: Sighs and stops playing her violin. "Thanks...."
Raz- Whatever Jade, whatever. Jade- -a jab of guilt passes through her- I'm gonna go get up something good to eat. Okay? Raz- -goes into the bathroom to change- Whatever.
Raz- -puts on his uniform, and sits down on the bed, listening to music- Jade- -with her uniform on, circles around, trying to find some food-
Tay: -smiles- This is going to be kinda fun Dan: -humming to himself- Christian: -making himself look super classy-
Kirsten: Nudges Alana. "It'll be alright. I mean, your 18, and we...well...you can always go to a night club when free time comes!" Alana: "Yeah...if only you were like three years older. Wow. Maybe I'll make some friends and go with them...." Long pause. "As if! Me? Make friends?!"
Jade- -takes out her ponytail and let's her green hair flow, as looks in a mirror, making goofy faces-