Jade- -walks into the school, trying to look for something, walking near Raz- Raz, any idea where the rooms are? Raz- shakes head- Nope. Jade- Sometimes I wish....that this place wasn't so big.
Rosaline; - sighs - Well I guess I will see you around.. Need to go and sort out my stuff.. - rolls eyes - bye. - smiles and waves. Then turns and walks over to Sean - let's go.
Jade- -bites lips as hurriedly walks around, trying to look for the rooms- Raz- Um. Shouldn't we just ask someone? Jade- Don't be ridiculous!
Jade- -stiffens, and tries to stall- Raz- -sighs, and answers- My sister can't stop acting like she's 5. Do you know where the rooms are? We sorta don't know. Jade- -frowns and glares at Raz- Not. That. Jerk. Raz- -rolls eyes-
Kirsten: "Oh, if you walk out the front doors and turn left, the girls' is the one on the left and the boys' on the right..." Alana: Sighs. "Happy birthday, Ally...."