Icknield for the Talented [RP]

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Rosaline; - turns around and looks at Cruz - Hello! - smiles -
  2. Cruz: -turns around- Huh? Oh, hi.
  3. Daryl: -grumbles to self-stupid school
  4. Rosaline; your a shy one then are you? - laughs -
  5. Cruz: -shrugs- Not really
  6. Hey new girl! Come on!
  7. Sour Pencil.

    Name- Jade Nadia
    Age- 16
    Personality- Depends, on her split personalities.

    Talent- Basically a computer whiz. But has a strong passion for horse riding. Had a music thing in the past, but really likes graphic design and software.


    Going to this school is her dream, well, most of it. Her family sent her here to get something with college, but she just wants to have a new experience. She brought her younger brother, but she really is protective of him, I guess.

    She lived in the U.S for most of her life, but actually made it to a Chinese program, of software.




    Raz Nadia
    Age- 14
    Personality- Sort of confused at times. He always tries to fit in, and hates being called cute a lot. Basically, he's not as bright as his sister.

    Talent- Dancing, and Literature.

    Bio- Living with Jade, it's hectic. He only cams because he doesn't really like his parents. At all. He hates the fact that he is pushed too much and just want to live a normal life.



  8. (Am I accepted? )
  9. Daisy-May: *sighs, having finished her unpacking and steps out into the hallway, going for a wander*
  10. Rosaline; - puts her hand up behind her back - shhh a minute! I am socialising! - focus' her attention back to Cruz - so what are you then?
  11. Chuckles a bit-
  12. Daisy-May: *faintly hears Rosaline and follows the sound of her voice until shes close enough to see them*
  13. Rosaline; - turns around - what's so funny? - laughs and taps foot -
  14. Haha dont worry bout it -chuckles some more-
  15. Cruz: -shrugs- Who knows
  16. Rosaline; - rolls eyes and turns back around - you know, that's who.. - laughs -
  17. Cruz: Yeah I do know
  18. Hey u guys! If u want I can show u guys where to get ur timetables!
  19. Cruz: I already got mine, Mr. Tour Guide
  20. Thats Sean the tour guide or mr.mcknight XP