Texts and Demotivation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BadaBingBadaBoom-, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. We've all seen the "post your funny pics here" threads. I'd like to make one that limited to certain types of funny photos; texts and those "demotivational" type deals(or motivational depending on your humor). Please post only those types, and feel free to chit about about ones that are funny or what ones suck.

    I'll kick off with one of each:


    Oh this guy is smooth:

  2. Dan
  3. Well all I got to say to all those noob posts about "who you like" or "want to be" is :
  4. Haha I absolutely love the last one any guy who did that hell yHa
  5. This makes me chuckle every time:


    Like really?!:

  6.  yes I have.
  7. that whale one is hilarious

  8. I woulda loved the whale guy cuz he's funny
  9. I'm only posting to show off my rainbow. Nice huh.

    Muchos loves, Bewbs

    Hope this works lol
  10. Sorry for the massive image.
  11. I should partake in this. I have TONS of demotivational posters. Or whatever you call 'em. Lol
  12. Mite not b that funny but I couldn't find anything more funnier than dis...

  13. 