PIMD Developers - Our Ideas?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -L3ON-, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. If KaW doesn't have it, we're not getting it.
    Been asking for this years back on KaW, lol.
    Wish you luck with this though.

  2. The Admin Chat and separate Club Page for members only are both great ideas and are very much needed. These two things would greatly help us manage our clubs. :)

    Great ideas Liam and -SBO-GracieMonster
  3. What about the blocking system? They should make something about it  just an idea
  4. 
  5. Impossible 
    Putting music "on the air" this way makes PIMD developers liable to pay every artist whos played his royalties.
    Same way as radios has to pay it.
    And let us forget such issues like a bandwith requirements and so ....

    Keep on trying, mate

    N E X T !
  6. I like your idea of getting our ideas out there, however the music just wont work due to bandwith issues and copyright issues.. Now I do love the idea of having a second club page where only members can see it. A place to put shortcuts on targets for example when your club is in a sf war. Plus it will act as a place for more elaborate club annoucements...
  7. Saying stuf in cc explicit or not is not against tou. And I think that would be cool but maybe a better would be to just play your own music. Not everyone has same taste in music although that is a pretty neat idea.
    My idea is to make eavesdropping be able t see if the opponent has pots and if so how many pots they have.
    Another idea, is for it to use only necessary pots for defender instead of automatically using 6 upon being attacked.
    Another idea, make wars more profitable that way we can get pimd back to its roots in wars.
    And lastly, to reward players better. Instead of giving a doctors note, give players an incentive to continue to play. Like, half off extra credit weekends and like a free dn per week or something alon this lines.
  8. I love how these low life trolls come on here diss my idea and don't state any of their own.

    Shows how pathetic they really are. 
  9. too many copyright issues make it worth the extra server space required to make it happen. not to mention, there is no captial gain in doing this.

    trolls? welcome to the forums bud. either ignore and don't respond or leave. soo simple.
  10. Especially when their comments make no sense.

    Royalties? Really? Go study some law mate. If it has the ability for PLAYERS to air music in CC (Private club chat) and on a club wall then no judge in the world can convict you for playing royalties. Radio is something completely different.

    Your statement makes no sense. It would make more sense if you said local bars, night clubs and even retail stores have yo pay royalties for playing someones music which it self is a stupid statement indeed but would make more sense.

    If PiMD played the music then yes you would be correct. However if players air their music it would make no sense.
  11. Love the concept (relatively new poster here)! One thing that would be nice is the ability to use wild cards for searching for people's names. Maybe this already exist and I'm just not aware.
  12. They should give the owners/admins the ability to silence or mute their club members in cc.
  13. Leon, you smart arse, tell me why 4 example bus driver cant have radio on while working - ie. delivering people? And to make it more valid to you-delivering them in enclosed company ( thus the members of privete society of employes) so kinda of ur club ?
  14. A really cool feature would be if devs actually enforced their own ToU and made something against pervs instead of making a really few mods who aren't paid and have a real life and very few powers to clean the game. But that's a fantasy.
  15.  it's a college oriented rpg. Ata set themselves up for swarms of pervs
  16. Add a I hate you button.
  17. Luke, you ass hole, the fact that you ignored my comment on bars, clubs and retail shops shows that you do not know much about the copyright and royalty concept.

    Therefore this argument for me is like a pro poker player trying to argue that four of a kind beats a full house whilst the amateur argues against it.

    I will now ignore your irrelevant self and irrelevant comments. Have a blast thinking of a come back whilst advertising you're stupidity on my thread. 
  18. Do the update thing again
  19. jeez dude… with that winning personality it's no surprise that you're raging on a game forum becuz we're not all praising your genius.

    you have no way to monetize your "idea" therefore it's useless to the devs.

    your bad idea is still a bad idea regardless of your kicking, screaming and name calling of your critics.

    don't like being criticized? then keep all your bad ideas internal.