things you find...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WalkingJ, Feb 16, 2013.

  1.  And a soft voice (turn on) 

    And a sense of humor.... And adventurous
  2. Hey jail bait!
  3. :lol: guys
    Don't get yourselves in a... How does it go again?
    Ughhh :roll:
  4. .... hello me nerdy
  5. Mr* 
  6. Ms*
  7. Sorry...
  8. I like blue or green eyes sometimes brown I like my men tall cuz I'm really tall 6'1" yeah crazy tall for a girl I like them sweet but funny loves to have fun and likes sports and has bromances
  9. I like an aggressive women. Girls with big musclular physique like a wrestler that could break me in half who would tie me up to the bed posts and wip me all day
  10. Kneecaps.

    Nothing sexier than a good pair of knees.

  11. Oh my god, I know!
  12. Understanding
    Open Minded
    basically, gorgeous inside and out.

    I just described my girlfriend 

    Yeah. You can tell when she's here next to me or not lol
  13. Personality 
  14. Oh and don't get me started on elbows

    Wow one touch of those elbow ripples and I'm yours.

  15. ^me gusta 
  16. 
  17. Bump bump bump to the top