Generation [Last Try]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Actually, you cant hate on all "12" year olds. Some are actually mature for their age. Also, I'd like to point out that the age limit on here is 13 but with the permission of a parent while ages 17 is a recommendation. You cant blame the kids as well. They can control their action but we are still young. Part of the reasons why some kids act like that is because of what are parents allow and disallow us to watch, listen, eat, drink etc. If a 12 year old girl contacts you on here and says, "Hey want to rp?" And you are a 19 year old male, you can just say no.
  2. Yes I am a minor  P.S. 50 cent is a rapper
  3. Do you know every parent or do you just go by what you see hear or read?
  4. I judge from what I know in real life. Working around kid's,and seeing how some parents are. Seeing how my friends parents where etc.. you can also see it on the news, looking around a store, even looking at people on the streets.
  5. I don't see how you can judge a persons parenting by walking by them in a store
  6. Beans is correct 
  7. Lol never said walking by them.. you see parents all the time letting their kid's trash stores. They don't care enough to watch them, or to make them clean up after themselves. That my dear is poor parenting.
  8. You just them by one action, you have not seen the whole kids parentage, you have no idea what's going on in their lives. Therefore you cannot judge
  9. I agree with Mrs beans today a woman in her mid 20's knock a pot down in the store and walks away my lil 7year brother goes aren't you suppose to pick it back up. She just looked at him and continue to shop, so my lil brother picks it up and go oooh that was so hard lol
  10. Shoulda thrown the pot at her..

     When u are underage u can get away with anything, basically.

    That's what I teach lil kids 
  11. Lol but I like the way he did it better because the cashier laughed and told my mom she was doing a good job because he didn't have to pick it up
  12. See your mother taught him well! You can spot bad parenting when you are one.
  13. So are you saying you're a bad parent Melissa!
  14. Well goodnight people I just wanted to share my story to let people know it's not just kids and parents because some parents teach well some don't some kids listen some don't I do not judge anyones parenting goodnight and have a great day. :D
  15.  I have to disagree with that

     A friend of mines had a wonderful mother who raised him well. (She knew how to cook)

    Well, u also learn bad crap on the streets,

    My friend learned lots of bad crap outside of his house,

    And now he's arrested for 4 months 
  16. No, I said you can spot bad parenting when you are one (a parent ). Learning things on the streets is something that happens sadly, but doing everything you can to prevent other people holding influence over your children and failing is different then just not trying at all.