Okay, so I haven't updated in four days, so I have a few things to say before I update. 1) I have decided to name the chapters. Starting from chapter 1 to chapter 3. Chapter 1) Cinderella Chapter 2) Prince Charming and Snow White Chapter 3) Lies and a Little Village 2) I am sooooooooooooo sorry for this, and I did not want to do this in the first place, but there will be romance. DX I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I usually go overboard on the romance thing when I never mean to. Example Stories: Warped Wonderland, Accidents Shouldn't Happen, The Alive and the Dead, and pretty much every other story I've written. A total habit and a bad one at that. 3) I am going to try to add more people's POVs since it's kinda boring with just Angel and Gavin's POVs. So, it could be confusing. If so, let me know. (Ha! That rhymed. XD) And now, an update! P.S. I am going to have romance for the next 3 chapters MAX! I want you to remind me that before I try to write for the seventh chapter and totally forget. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Letter and Something Strange Chapter 4 ∀Gavin∀ Angel's face hardens, obviously out of anger. But, who could blame her? A madman named FTH has forced us into this world and is playing with us as if we are dolls or actual fairy tale characters. Angel slams the paper onto the table next to her and pick it up again. She looks at us, confirming what we are thinking: FTH is with us somewhere in this world. She stands on the table, her eyes scanning the paper. "'Dear Characters,'" Angel reads. Then she laughs. "'Characters.' Now that's funny." I look at her like she's crazy, and since she laughs, probably everyone else is too. "'Congrats to your victory to the Dwarves and their friends the Goblins.' So that's what those extra asses were. 'A special well done to Angel and Daisy on how they handled the situation against them.'" "Thank you," Daisy and Angel say in unison. They laugh at their unison, making me give a light chuckle. "'You have found a proper and true sleeping quarters, as I believe the forest was hard on you. There is a house for each story and one for the three in Cinderella's story.' Figures. 'I will continue to leave letters on how I think of your progress and how you handle the levels.' Levels?" Angel looks at everyone and I shrug, confused. "'The levels are the fights you have and the Dwarves and Goblins were part of the first level. The second level is soon to come. Again, congrats on your victory. FTH.'" Angel sighs and crumples the paper, throwing it out of the only window. Angel looks out at everyone, her eyes landing on me. I shrug and, as everyone chatters amongst themselves, I hold my hands out to her she grips my shoulders as I take her hips and help her hop off the table. When she lands, she gasps lightly while looking into my eyes. "What?" I ask. She's cute when she's surprised too. Though she wasn't too cute when I asked her the question about her childhood. I need to ask her again, figure out what's wrong about her past. "Nothing," she says removing her hands from my shoulders. I remove my hands from her waist, leaving my hands feeling empty. It's strange. My hands never feel empty. Normally, they feel fine. But, letting go of her feels...strange and foreign. "Let's go find our 'sleeping quarters,'" she says, laughing at the odd, proper form of writing of the letter and FTH. "Right," I say. "But, let's check out the house, see if it has three bedrooms." She nods and lets me go ahead. I check out the house and see two bedrooms with two full sized beds and two closets full of clothes. Thank God! I head back to Angel and report my findings. She nods and as everyone continues to talk, we head out of the house, heading to the next five. ~*~*~* We find out after searching that the most rooms in a house are two. The rest have one, so, obviously the one with two is for Cinderella, her prince, and her step sister. Us three. I head to one room while Fiona goes to the other. Angel is outside, waiting and watching for trouble. But she's been awake since we all woke yesterday. She must be exhausted. So instead of heading to my bed and falling asleep, I head outside in the dark of the night to take over. "Who's there?" I hear her voice say. I see the spear before her face so I place my hand on it, pushing it down. "Just me," I say, looking at her bright hair. You can still see it in the darkness. Now, that's bright as hell. "Oh. Sorry. You never know who could be out there, you know?" I nod and sit next to her. "Aren't you tired? You've been up since yesterday." She shakes her head and give me a smile. "I don't need much sleep. Once I was up for over five days straight, no coffee, no drugs, no nothing. Just my wits. I have to admit it was unbearable afterwards, but I managed to deal with it," she says with a shrug. "That's not healthy. And why would you do that?" "To protect myself. To survive." I look at her and I see she's looking down at the ground. "Why would you need that?" I ask. She squirms, obviously uncomfortable. Must be a touchy subject for her. But, I need to figure out why. I don't know why exactly, but it's a growing need. I guess it's my curiousness. She seems...scared. Strangely, her hair seems to go dull and, well, not her. I understand she hates being scared, it shows weakness, and she obviously hates weakness. But it hurts me, seeing her scared, weak, small. Out of the blue, I hug her. She stiffens, surprised obviously. And I am too, considering that I didn't realize I was doing it until she said, "Um...what are you doing?" "Erm...giving you a hug?" I say, feeling awkward. First, she just sits there. Then she hugs me back, making me feel strange. Queasy. Nervous. I slowly pull back, now looking down. She places her hand on mine and gives it a pat. "Thanks. I needed that. But next time, ask or warn me. That kinda freaked me out since it was random," she says, pulling her hand away from mine. I can hear the smile in her voice. "Hey, are you embarrassed?" "N-No. 'Course not," I say, keeping my eyes on my hands. "So, uh, we should get some sleep." "I get Daisy. She seems to know how to handle herself," Angel says, and it seems a little loud so I look up. Her face is so close to mine. Just centimeters away. I bite my lip and she laughs, standing. She takes my hand and helps me up, basically yanking me up to her. I look down at her, a small smile on my lips. We stand there like that for a minute, just staring at each other. "Hey, what's-" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's gonna happen?! And who interrupted them? And what was gonna happen if not interrupted? Tell mah your thoughts! And I'm gonna tell you when I am working on chapter seven. So when I tell you, REMIND ME NOT TO ADD ROMANCE. I hate going overboard on romance.
Okay, so, I've hit a little snag. >.< Something happened to Chapter 5, so I have zero progress with it. >.< I lost all of it! So I have to start all over again! I was going to update, but this happened. >.< I am so sorry.
Okay, so I finished Chapter 5 and I'm going to work on Chapter 7. I know, limited romance. I'll do my best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weakness, Add Some Teasing, and What Do You Get? Chapter 5 『Angel』 Gavin and I spring apart at the sound of a voice. I had no idea our faces came only a mere inch away from each other. That hug gave me a strange feeling. I don't know how to describe it. Like? Like like? I don't know what the actual word for it is, but whatever it is, it does not matter...right? I'm tired after all. Must be from lack of sleep. "Whoa! Did I interrupt something?" I hear. Daisy. Thank God! "N-No. 'Course not. Uh, I was just going to come ask if you want to take watch. I'm tired and need some sleep," I say. Gavin hasn't said a word I look up at Daisy and see her staring at us like we are crazy. Normally, I would laugh. But this, this is a different matter. Daisy is wearing normal people clothes. Not the blue and white dress, the black ribbon in her hair, or the short red heels. Just a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Perfectly normal. "Sure. Whatever. Give me the spear," she says, holding out her hand. I pick it up off the ground where it is next to Gavin. I accidently brush my hand against him. I have to suppress a gasp. I felt some strange feeling. It happened again! That strange feeling in my chest. I think I'm having a heart attack. Seriously, I do. "Here," I say, giving her the spear and heading out, leaving Daisy and Gavin there, not wanting to stay there any longer than I have to. I head to Gavin's room and slip into the closet. I pull off the rag dress and pull on normal clothes. So much better. Then I hear a knock on the closet door. "You okay?" I hear. "Fine," I croak, opening the door to find him shirtless. Dear Lord, he has abs! I swear, he is going to be the death of me. I can feel my heart trying to explode out of my chest and my knees go weak. I stand strong and grab two blankets and a pillow, finding the floor with ease. I crawl to the place farthest away from the bed and get my sleeping setup ready. I swear this boy is giving me a heart attack. I pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. I squeak and Gavin laughs. "What are you doing?" I squeak at him. Gavin laughs again. "Taking you to bed," he says in a deep, sexy voice. Oh, fuck no. "Say what?!" I exclaim. Again, he laughs. I swear, this boy is having too much fun making me feel weak. I want to die. He places me on the bed. "Relax. I'm letting you sleep on the bed while I'll sleep on the floor." Oh! I am freaking out way too much. I need to relax, like Gavin said. My heart is pounding. "You suck. Screw you," I say, pulling the covers over me and my face. The bed groans with the extra weight of Gavin and he is looming over me, I can feel it. "Come on, Angel, my angel," he says. I keep the cover over my face. Nope. It won't work. He's teasing me. I know it. "Angel," he says, stretching out my name over a long period of seconds. Okay, I have to get him back. And I will. Now. "Gavin," I say in the same tone and the same length of time it took him to say it. "Hmm?" "It's not gonna work, princey," I say, pulling my head out from the cover to look at him. His face is only, like, two centimeters away from mine. I take my hand and push his face away from mine. "Let me make you a deal. If you admit you didn't feel anything back there, I'll leave you alone and take my sexy abs with me. Yes, I saw how you were drooling over them, princess," he says, answering the questioning look on my face. I can feel a blush rising on my face at him mentioning his abs. His abs are like chiseled works of art, don't judge unless you've seen them. "Come on," he says at my silence. I haven't said a word for a minute. That's a true record for me. "You didn't feel that back there? That strange tug at your heart? Called love?" "L-Love?" I ask. He nods. Love. I've heard of the feeling. Hell, I love my hair, my fighting, and my job. I have the feeling, but for a person? I haven't felt it before. Though, it might explain what that feeling is. And that must mean it's for...him? "No," I lie. The teasing smile on his face falls. "No. I didn't feel anything. Just tiredness." "Oh," he says in a sad voice. That frown on his face. The sadness in his voice and eyes. God, it breaks my heart. "Wait," I say. "Gavin, I might have felt something out there. Something different, for me anyways." I just said that? Fuck. I am truly crazy. But that sad face made me have to tell him the truth. I hurt to see it. Gavin gives me a smile of what I think is relief. His face starts to get closer to mine and I can barely breathe. I close my eyes, afraid of what might happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay. That's that. It's just...ugh, I don't know. Let me know what you think. Rate this chapter. 1-5. 1 is best, 5 is worst. Just let me know.
Okay. Ignore that version of Chapter 5. I have rewrote it and here is the finishing product. I think I like it better. ^.^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 『Angel』 Gavin and I spring apart at the sound of a voice. I had no idea our faces came only a mere inch away from each other. That hug gave me a strange feeling. I don't know how to describe it. Like? Like like? I don't know what the actual word for it is, but whatever it is, it does not matter...right? I'm tired after all. Must be from lack of sleep. "Whoa! Did I interrupt something?" I hear. Daisy. Thank God! "N-No. 'Course not. Uh, I was just going to come ask if you want to take watch. I'm tired and need some sleep," I say. Gavin hasn't said a word I look up at Daisy and see her staring at us like we are crazy. Normally, I would laugh. But this, this is a different matter. Daisy is wearing normal people clothes. Not the blue and white dress, the black ribbon in her hair, or the short red heels. Just a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Perfectly normal. "Sure. Whatever. Give me the spear," she says, holding out her hand. I pick it up off the ground where it is next to Gavin. I accidently brush my hand against him. I have to suppress a gasp. I felt some strange feeling. It happened again! That strange feeling in my chest. I think I'm having a heart attack. Seriously, I do. "Here," I say, giving her the spear and heading out, leaving Daisy and Gavin there, not wanting to stay there any longer than I have to. I head to Gavin's room and slip into the closet. I pull off the rag dress and pull on normal clothes. So much better. Then I hear a knock on the closet door. "You okay?" I hear. "Fine," I croak, opening the door to find him shirtless. Dear Lord, he has abs! I swear, he is going to be the death of me. I can feel my heart trying to explode out of my chest and my knees go weak. I stand strong and grab two blankets and a pillow, finding the floor with ease. I crawl to the place farthest away from the bed and get my sleeping setup ready. I swear this boy is giving me a heart attack. I pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. I squeak and Gavin laughs. "What are you doing?" I squeak at him. Gavin laughs again. "Taking you to bed," he says in a deep, sexy voice. Oh, fuck no. "Say what?!" I exclaim. Again, he laughs. I swear, this boy is having too much fun making me feel weak. I want to die. He places me on the bed. "Relax. I'm letting you sleep on the bed while I'll sleep on the floor." Oh! I am freaking out way too much. I need to relax, like Gavin said. My heart is pounding. "You suck. Screw you," I say, pulling the covers over me and my face. The bed groans with the extra weight of Gavin and he is looming over me, I can feel it. "Come on, Angel, my angel," he says. I keep the cover over my face. Nope. It won't work. He's teasing me. I know it. "Angel," he says, stretching out my name over a long period of seconds. Okay, I have to get him back. And I will. Now. "Gavin," I say in the same tone and the same length of time it took him to say it. "Hmm?" "It's not gonna work, princey," I say, pulling my head out from the cover to look at him. His face is only, like, two centimeters away from mine. I take my hand and push his face away from mine. "Let me make you a deal. If you admit you didn't feel anything back there, I'll leave you alone and take my sexy abs with me. Yes, I saw how you were drooling over them, princess," he says, answering the questioning look on my face. I can feel a blush rising on my face at him mentioning his abs. His abs are like chiseled works of art, don't judge unless you've seen them. "Come on," he says at my silence. I haven't said a word for a minute. That's a true record for me. "You didn't feel that back there? That strange tug at your heart? Called love?" "L-Love?" I ask. He nods. Love. I've heard of the feeling. Hell, I love my hair, my fighting, and my job. I have the feeling, but for a person? I haven't felt it before. Though, it might explain what that feeling is. And that must mean it's for...him? "No," I lie. The teasing smile on his face falls. "No. I didn't feel anything. Just tiredness." "Oh," he says in a sad voice. That frown on his face. The sadness in his voice and eyes. God, it breaks my heart. "Wait," I say. "Gavin, I might have felt something out there. Something different, for me anyways." I just said that? Fuck. I am truly crazy. But that sad face made me have to tell him the truth. I hurt to see it. Gavin gives me a smile of what I think is relief. His face starts to get closer to mine and I can barely breathe. I close my eyes, afraid of what might happen. But then, I put my hand in front of my face. "What?" I hear Gavin say. I open my eyes and look at him, his eyes hinting at confusion. "I only said that I might have. That doesn't mean love. It means something different. I felt...well, I don't know. Just, back off a little, okay? I'm tired, I've been here for three days, and I haven't ate or drank anything until we got here," I sigh. It's true. Once everyone settled in, we all had a feast of what was in the cabinets. The stoves were wood stoves, so we had to do our best with them. Still, we pigged out, and some of the other princesses were not so thrilled about it while I didn't care. I've pigged out more than once in my life. I'm not afraid to admit it. It's how my life happened. "Oh, okay," he says. When I pull my hand back, he doesn't seem to have paid attention to what I have said and leans towards me. ~*~*~*~* Okay, so I had to fix this. Two reasons. One: I lost this chapter randomly and had to rewrite this whole thing. Two: I felt like there was too much romance going to happen. So, I removed some and added a little extra to this chapter. Hope ya love it! Okay, so, I honestly like this version better because there isn't the ton of romance like it was previously. There was going to be romance in every chapter, I could feel it. It's just my nature to overdo on romance and this a way of cutting it down. So, better chapter and less romance. Perfect, in my opinion. Or almost perfect. But, still, better.
Okay, so I know it's been a while since I've updated, and that's because I have considered entered a writing contest and preoccupied with that. And guess which story I'm putting up for the contest! This one! So, I'll be editing, adding, rewriting, etc. etc. Anything I might need to do...? Tell me so I can see what I can make better, fix, keep an eye on, etc. etc.
Hey! Guess what! Update time! It's pretty long because I haven't updated in a while and the next chapter is pretty short. So, here ya go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 6 A Kiss, a Beating, and Building Up Walls ∀Gavin∀ I kiss her...on the forehead. I don't know why, I just did. Why not on the lips? It confuses me and when Angel looks me in the eyes, I see she is as confused as I am. And disappointed. Well, that's just terrible. I know what she was expecting. I am disappointed in myself. "Well, good night," I say, getting off the bed. I go over to the spot on the floor where the blankets and pillows are. As I lie down, I just want to die. That was stupid. What is wrong with me? I know she felt something like I did, but...why didn't I actually kiss her? "Gavin?" I hear from Angel. I look up at her and she motions me to her. I stand and walk over to her. She scoots over and pats the empty place next to her. I give her a strange smile and grab the blanket that she's under. "No," she says. "You sleep above the blankets. You can go grab a different blanket and use it, but that's it." She doesn't trust me. Obviously. I grab a blanket and lie next to Angel. I stay on my side of the bed, not wanting to disturb Angel. Angel soon curls into my side and I can hear her say, "Warmth." I give her sleeping figure a small smile. She is so cute. Almost everything she does is cute. Being surprised, sleeping, laughing, just everything is just so cute. I can't believe I missed my chance. 『Angel』 I wake up curled into someone. Let me think. I don't drink, and I obviously don't have a hangover. No drugs, because I don't feel like I've been partying at all. But...who is this? Think, Angel Primid Melverti. What did I do last night? No partying, no drinking, so what the hell did I do? Light bulb! Seriously? Fuck me. My eyes snap open and I realize I'm curled up next to my Prince. What the fuck?! I suppress a scream and scramble of bed? I'm fully clothed. Good sign. He doesn't seem to be, judging from what I see. And that's his chest. And his abs. His gorgeous abs. God, I'm going to die. No. Wait. Stop. Okay, get on track. Think. Remember. Okay, to recap: I have been kidnapped by a madman named FTH. He has put twelve other people in a world of fairy tales. And myself. I know Gavin, Fiona, Daisy, Darren, Kaitlyn, Red, Dean, Drake, Edie, Jo, Luke, and Alex. The stories are Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, and Beauty and the Beast. Six stories. Thirteen people. Okay. I think I have that right. Recap of last night: Gavin talked me out of staying up another night. He hugged me, pulled some heart strings, and we almost kissed. Daisy interrupted us. We came back here and I changed from the rag dress into normal people clothes. I was going to sleep on the floor, but Gavin picked me up and let me take the bed. And he was shirtless. Like now. So, he's fully clothed from the waist down. Then he teased me and I repaid the favor. I swear he was going to kiss me. On the lips. After I told him to back the fuck off. But he kissed my forehead instead, therefore, making me pissed at him. Okay. Got it. Now, time for the silent treatment. And some meanness. I get back on the bed and shove him off of it, which is harder than I thought. When he falls on the floor, I suppress a laugh. He stand, looking at me with a pissed look in his eyes. Good. And he's clothed from the waist down. Good too. Though, I wish he wasn't wearing pants...just boxers. Okay, weird. Stop, angry at him. No neediness. I'm going to be angry, and I have to do it with a clear head. "What the hell was that for?" he exclaims. I just stare at him. He sighs, as if he knows what I did it for. "Oh. That. Well, I'm sorry. I can make it up to ya, if you want." I do not want that, but I am not letting him know that. I grab a set of clothes and a towel. Time to head to Fiona's room to avoid Gavin. "Angel?" he asks as I walk out of the room. "Angel! Are you mad at me?" I walk into Fiona's room, which she is awake and trying to figure out what's going on, and slam the door. "What's going on?" Fiona asks. "Gavin pissed me off," I reply, placing the clothes on the bed. "I'm heading to take a shower," I say, gesturing in the direction of the bathroom. I need to be clean. And I need to get Gavin out of my head. ~*~*~* After the nice shower, I wrap myself with the towel, which feels way too short, and get ready head back to Fiona's room. I open the door and bump into a bare chest. Fuck me. "Hey, princess. How you feelin'?" he asks me as I step back. I don't answer. I'm pissed enough as it is. "Come on, Angel. Talk to me! I miss that voice. That sweet smile. The cute expressions! Do something that just might make me feel better!" Do something? Alright. I hold up a finger to tell him to give me a minute. I head back to Fiona's room and she is no where in sight. Good. No awkwardness. I change into the outfit I picked earlier and partially dry my hair with the towel. Then, I head back outside, to see him standing where I left him. Time to destroy his happiness. First, my fist connects with his jaw with a scary crack. Then, I kick him in the chest, using a simple roundhouse. He doesn't even seem to be fighting back. Oh, that's so...wrong. I am so used to people fighting back or having the first hit. This seems...I guess you would say against my rules. Well, honestly, there aren't any rules. But this just feels like I'm disobeying the unsaid rules of my beliefs. Like, normally, fighting is for revenge or just the last piece of grub; whoever kicks the shit out of the other first wins and gets whatever, food to dignity. But, hitting and kicking Gavin is so rude. Though, I've never thought of it that way. I glare at him, and he adjusts his jaw; though I suspect he's fine, just some minor bruising later. Well...at least no major, permanent damage. Good. But soon, his eyes pour into mine and what I have just done hits me. I just hurt Gavin. Cinderella just hurt Prince Charming. What is wrong with her? Honestly, you'd expect her to kiss him like how it would be, love at first sight. But the truth inside of her tells her, she isn't gonna buy it. Right. There isn't such thing as love at first sight. Just a myth that married couples say to explain how they feel about each other. Honestly, it's fake crap. And that's what I have thought all my life. I'm gonna stick to it. "Cinderella, my princess," Gavin says in a strange, different voice that isn't his, "why would you hurt me?" And now, the frail girl that possesses me comes out, causing me to break down. Why did he have to say that? Why, of all things, that?! And, in a different voice than his own, like the man from the storybooks that is known as Prince Charming. His voice was charming and his words smooth as they ran from his mouth with ease. I believe that a strong, perfect man was just possessed him like the fragile girl now possesses me. I think that is the story character I have replaced. The girl crushed by her step-mother and step-sisters; the girl swept off her feet by a handsome man; the girl we all know as Cinderella. I start screaming and barely hitting his chest as tears blur my vision. No. This shouldn't be happening. My inner tough girl is screaming at the weak girl bawling her eyes out as she aimlessly hits the boy without the shirt. I soon hear footsteps and that makes this work. But, that doesn't matter. My inner tough girl teams up with the frail lass and starts screaming at Gavin. "You bastard! You tricked me and manipulated me and hurt me and...and..." I can't think of anything else to say, but I can't continue anyway. Gavin pulls me into his chest, stopping my screams and pushing back the toughness, though I wish he wouldn't. He's petting my head, and, quite honestly, I hate it. People who touch my hair get hurt. And have their hand broken. "I'm sorry," I hear him say. "Can you give us a moment?" I hear people shuffle awkwardly and soon head out. Gavin takes me back to his room by picking me up again, and let's me cry on his wonderful abs. He's really sweet, to be honest. What he said earlier, before I aimlessly tried to hurt him, it was sweet. And I felt a shudder. Of what, I think it's realization. No. Just a sign that I am over all freaking out. Though, what I just said is true. He is really sweet. Soon, I shut up and pull back, wiping my hand on his chest and abs. Two reasons. One: To wipe away the tears. Two: To feel the lovely abs he has. Such a rush. Oh, they are nice to the touch. Wow. I sound like a horny teenage. I honestly miss those days. "Uh, Angel?" he says. I love the feeling. Such smooth skin, and a nice eight-pack. I am in abs heaven. "Hmm?" I say with a high pitch to the small murmur. "Um, what are you doing?" he ask, looking at me. Oops. "Sorry." So got carried away. I pull back my hand after one last touch that makes me want to die. He laughs, giving me a kiss on the top of the head. Another kiss. He needs to stop that. Hasn't he realized I do not want to hurry the hell up with a relationship. I don't want any relationship, actually. "So, you're better now, right?" he asks, looking at me closely. I start to nod, but then I shake my head. I hope he knows why. "Then, how about," he says, planting a kiss on my cheek, "now?" Oh, he does not know! I shake my head again, glaring at him. He now seems to get it and backs off. "Oh, okay," he says. "Right, now put on a shirt," I say, looking at him. He frowns and pulls on a shirt, making me sigh with relief and regret. "There. Happy now?" I nod and he sighs, reaching out to touch me. No. No more touching. Build up that wall, Angel. Build it and never let him through again. Luckily, before Gavin tries to place his hand on my cheek or on my shoulders or say anything, Daisy is yelling at us. "Angel! Gavin! You need to come and see this!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Long, lovely, and a cliffhanger! It showed a bit of Angel's past in her fighting, her name, and who the characters are. It also showed that there is something in everyone. Like the frail girl in Angel and the sexy man in Gavin. So, what's going to happen? Level Two? Or is Daisy just wanting to get them apart?
I know I haven't updated but that's because I have been trying but I have writer's block. And I have been writing a new story. It's probably not allowed to be on here because it has a lot of references to drugs and a few extremely mature areas in the story. If you want to check it out, go to wattpad.com or get the Wattpad app and type Truth Hidden in the Lies or just ShanaAlana. But, that's not the point of this. The point is that I might not update until I can get any ideas or when I know if I won the writing contest. Whichever comes first, we'll see. Though, if I win, that means no more updates on here or on Wattpad. Well, that's all. Love ya, my little lovies.
Hey, still me! Just new iPod. Anyway, since I can't think because I got back in touch with a certain someone and I have school and other stressful things to worry about, I'm going to give you all a sneak peak of Chapter 7 right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Daisy, you are in trouble," she says to me quickly. "One of the people here is evil and they brought you to this place. I am not supposed to tell you, but this place is a fairy tale alternate universe. The good guys went bad, and so the bad guys..." "Became good," I finish. She nods quickly and looks back at the group about ten feet away. I can't hear what they are saying, but it's like they can't move any closer. Some are pounding at the air, like Angel, Darren, and Gavin. Others are just watching with wide eyes, like Fiona, Red, and Dean. "Exactly. Now listen closely. You have to pick your trust carefully. If you don't pick the right person to trust, you could be doomed. I'll be watching, alright. I'll visit you sometimes, when you are alone. Within the next three days, you need to move. I'm supposed to be the second level, but I'm to help. I'll watch, I'll follow, I'll do what I can within the next six months." "Alright," I say hesitantly. She's right, sort of. Bad become good, I need to place my trust correctly, and she's given me a good idea about who is the FTH person. But, the only people with an F in their name are... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, this is just the sneak peak! But, I want you to think over who is talking to Daisy, who Daisy is talking about, and what this chapter has to hold for the future. Overall, I wanted to give you all something instead of ignoring my lovely readers. Your welcome, lovies!
I am soooooo super sorry I haven't updated! I'm in a writing slump. >.< I need ideas. And I need to figure out who to use for the next POV, Dean Darren or Drake. I'm confused and so out of ideas. I have an idea on what should happen with each person's POV but I can figure out which one to pick. >.< So sorry! I'll let you know when I finally start writing again.