All Aboard Sliversea! {Roleplay}

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -SBO-GracieMonster, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. (Just pretend you're already on the ship)
  2. (Okay thanks!)
    Annabelle: *In her room listening to her music on headphones*
  3. I want to be a part of this
  4. Can I be apart of this plz??
  5. Noah
    *Sits on his bed on his MacBook pro.*
  6. Name: Lucky Spade
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: (below)
    Role: Card shuffler (can I be like the cheif since I'm the first thus far?)
    • Flippant
    • Sarcastic
    • Kind
    • comforting
    • mature-ish
    • pessimistic
    • Violent (but in a good way)
    Reason for applying:
    Well nothing else on life was really going for me. I'm a fresh drop out, I have no job, and was about to get evicted. Long story short, I NEED this job
    Body modifications: (wow this question is harder than I thought it'd be >.<) geek chic!
    Forgot to add this to my Bio, but "if I can't do anything, I can shuffle cards!"
  7. [​IMG]
    That him now for his clothes modifications.
  8. Modifications were geek chic:
  9. Noah
    *Logs on-to Twitter*
    Tweets: Already taking full advantage of the Wi-Fi privileges on board.
  10. Annabelle: *Hears knock on door*

    Roomservice guy: ROOMSERVICE!

    Annabelle: ITS OPEN

    Roomservice guy: *Walks in with an ice cream sundae*
    Annabelle: thanks!
  11. Jason: -mixing music on his computer-

    Jasper: -playing the piano-
  12. Annabelle: *Hears someone playing the piano so goes with her ice cream to find out the source of the music* *Finds person*
    Wow! Your really good. I play myself too
  13. Jasper: -jumps up falling on the ground-0.0 thanks
  14. Blaire: *gets out of pool and wraps a towel around herself, throws the towel in the laundry bin and runs to her room, grabbing her guitar and runs out, still in my bikini. I sit on a chair on the deck and start playing and singing, trying to ignore my seasickness*
  15. (You may join, those who are interested)
  16. Lucky: ♪ You shout it out ♪ I begin singing while absent mindedly shuffling my favorite cards. I press pause on David Guetta's "Titanium". "I should go mingle with my coworkers..." I say then put my gold backed cards down on my dresser and steps into the hallway.