Updating now anyway, but yeah if you're a silent reader if there even is any, tell me what you think? The following day was tense. Eliza attempted to avoid Joel at all costs, but he had a knack for finding her in even the busiest of school corridors. When the bell rang for the second lesson of the day, she hid behind her open locker door, the smooth metal cold against her back as she pushed herself against it, silently willing it to swallow her whole as he strode towards her, his face expressionless. "I'm sorry." He murmured, much to her surprise. Eliza glanced up at him inquisitively. "Why?" He looked down, twiddling his thumbs in embarrassment. "For snapping," he replied "about that, thing. It's just important." He blushed and looked away from her. "Why do you have that?" She asked, aware she was pushing her luck. "She was a friend of my fathers, it's a kind of remembrance thing.." His words drifted away from him slowly, he evidentially didn't know what to say. "Oh." She muttered quietly, she knew there was something he wasn't telling her. Due to her usual lack of company, she'd spent the majority of her time studying people's behaviour and had learnt to spot the telltale signs of a liar; the inability to look you in the eyes, blinking a lot, smirking, and fidgeting. She knew she was pushing her luck even more, but she had to try. "So um, when i left i heard something, who were you talking to?" She asked cautiously. Joel paused, taken aback. His reply was slow, giving Eliza time to lock her eyes on his, watching. "Oh, myself. I do that a lot." It was small, almost un-noticeable, but not to Eliza. For just a fragment of a second his eyes flicked away from hers. Blink. He was lying.
Almost a week later, Eliza still hasn't told Joel that she knew he was lying to her. She continued as though she'd completely forgotten the incident, sitting next to him in her classes, absent-mindedly smiling at his cheesy jokes and nodding at appropriate intervals. It was easier that way, she didn't want to cause unnecessary drama with no real proof of anything. The next day, Joel was nowhere to be seen. Eliza was delighted by this. Yes, she enjoyed his company sometimes, but she missed being alone with her thoughts. She spent the entire day alone in her own subconsciousness, the safest and most comfortable place in the universe. Later that evening, Eliza was lay on her queen sized bed with her head almost buried in her furry throw cushion, gazing out of the window watching the world go by. 'It's abnormal how slowly time goes when you notice it.' she thought. At that, she remembered how she hadn't seen Joel for what seemed like weeks. 'It was just a day, stupid brain' she silently cursed herself. She felt her heart pang, a feeling she had never experienced before. It felt like her heart had leaped up out of her chest, but then plummeted down into her stomach at the speed of light. She felt her cheeks draining of colour, her face white as a sheet. She sat up abruptly breathing quickly. 'Am I dying?' She thought, terrified. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly. When she opened them again, it was dark and the cold creeped up her skin like thousands of small pinpricks. She wasn't in her bedroom anymore and she could feel concrete underneath her bare feet, the rough surface scraping her skin as she slowly shuffled around the room to find a light switch. When she felt the square of smooth plastic on her fingertips, she pushed the switch on and turned to survey her surroundings. She was in a basement of some kind. It was empty apart from a few cardboard boxes and a mirror. She tiptoed closer to her reflection, but it wasn't herself that she saw. In front of her, was an image of Anna Young. Anna was crying, the iridescent tears tumbling down her bloodstained cheeks. In her hand she held a rope, which had been intricately knotted into a noose. Rage surged through Eliza, and she reached out to grab the mirror and slammed it onto the floor in fury, smashing it into thousands of tiny pieces. She sat on the ground and grabbed a large piece, breathing heavily. She held the razor sharp edge to her thigh and slashed it over and over, the deep crimson blood forming rivers down her pale limbs. She raised it to her left arm and frantically slashed it until the word was formed. 'Lifetime'. She closed her eyes slowly, content with her creation When she opened her eyes, she found herself laying on her bedroom floor, the soft carpet caressing her skin. She slowly sat up and breathed a sigh of relief. "Must have passed out." She murmured, light headed still. She placed her hands on the edge of her bed and hauled herself up, but when she moved her hand, the froze in shock. It was covered in blood. Dun dun dunnn I'm sorry that updates kinda confusing
Eliza sat on her bathroom floor and studied her wounds. She bandaged her thigh, easily stemming the blood flow, but her arm concerned her. "What does 'lifetime' mean?" She muttered to herself. "Eliza?!" Called her father from downstairs, a hint of panic in his voice. "Are you ok?" "Yeah Dad!" She called back. He mustn't know about this. But soon she heard the trudge of footsteps towards the room. "Are you decent? I'm coming in." He stated bluntly before grasping the handle and walking inside. Eliza quickly rolled down her sleeves and stood up to greet her father. He was a very tall man, 6 foot 6 at least. His hair was dark brunette like Eliza's, but his eyes were chocolate brown and his skin was tanned. He told Eliza she resembled his sister more than himself, but they didn't talk about it and Eliza knew little of her. Her father looked at her, concerned, before gasping and stepping back. "Why is there blood on your hands?" He asked quietly. "Oh, um -" Before she had time to think of an excuse, her father had grabbed her hand and rolled up her sleeve. His face drained of colour, like his heart had stopped. "No." He whispered, "not again."
That's it I'm hooked on this story!!!! I love it and I'm also a silent reader but I often leave comments so no need to stop writing!!!