Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 697panda, Feb 9, 2013.

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  1. [​IMG] what am I reading?
  2. Panda, you're in some deep shit. Thats all i can say....
  3. Not really I'm perfectly fine people think they r getting a rise out of me and they aren't. I don't see how I a in deep shit cuz my name was only on there four or five times but the others aren't here backing themselves up if they were they'd be griping at them too
  4. because no one could put 2 and 2 together?
  5. I agree with this person about the information disclosure and crap

    I don't know why u guys judge some-one who RP's

    All you fuckers probably done bad crap too.
  6. Panda go dig a deep hole and sit in it
  7. Deviants, ish me Ethan. My alt. 
  8. Ethan i still love you.

    Me and Ethan bromancers for life
  9. Umm thanks charlie
  10. I'm smart I just make mistakes because I'm a human being...
  11. The point isn't you wrote the wrong word. The point is that you're making a false thread  don't go on the fourms saying "blackmail" if it isn't true. Besides, it is a dirty rp club so YOU should watch what YOU say, because if you don't want it to get out.. Don't say it! And that goes to everyone, not just your club.
  12. Also, we aren't "trolling/trollers" we're just telling you the truth!
  13. I do not troll 
  14. Your truth could be just another lie?
  15. It's not a false thread what she did was bs!
  16. And I just don't know another word to use that was the closest word that fit
  17. So let the war begin, you're far from innocent
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