BombShell WareHouse Review

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SBO-GracieMonster, Feb 8, 2013.

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  1. too bad panda wasn't still forum banned
  2. A diamond tiara.

    That's some expensive shit right there.
  3. What do u mean too bad I'm still not forum banned?
  4. I wasn't the one wearing the tiara! For god sakes people
  5. Exactly what I said panda
  6. Did u people actually read the screen shots WELL RE READ THEM
  7. Lick tongue?
    Now I never want to go there again
    Sparky bra?
    Green thong?
  8. I didn't lick anyone's Tongue!
  9. But, sparkly lime green thong?
  10. The fact panda make a pointless thread in correspondence to what she did on a different pointless thread should get her silenced 
  11. I like sparkly underwear big deal and why should I be silenced for making a thread to warn people of the dangers
  12. It's not even blackmail. Pointless
  13. Ok stop u guys quit gangin up on panda alrigh idk the concept of this but stop alrigh panda did nothin wrong so quit gangin up on her
  14. Excuse me
    You're only saying that because she is "the girl of your life"
  15. The only danger is the pointless thread you made 
  16. Someone wanna gimme permission to farm? 
  17. Yup u got a problem wit it pm me
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