
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iSassBendAndSnapToBreakNoses, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Anything for you, Ally 
  2. Yaaaaay. NOW GO. 
  3. I'm starting the update right now! 
  4. Tell me when you're done. Then I'll tell you negative things about the Sorority President
  5. I'm so up for this!! 
  6. Better hurry up
  7. The story's not bad. I'm just not really into the whole cliche high school drama/love stories. I would suggest adding more detail, using more descriptive word, like looking in a thesaurus or something, and going a little bit slower, to build suspense. It seems as though the story is moving kind of fast. Also, be careful with your tenses. It's past tense, right? Because you switch over to present tense at times. ^.^ But overall, the story's good. Bump!
  8. Why does everyone think it's a love story . Argh. Thanks though .
  9. Hey shan wen u doing the next update cos am hooked on this story can't stop reading!!
  10. I'm writing it now! I'll be done in an hour hopefully 
  11. To clarify:
    1) I decided to write in the present tense from now on. I've alway had issues with that, but I figured it would be good practice!

    2) This is my first story, so I don't think I should be expected of having perfect grammar, correct spelling, and complex word choice. I try to use language people understand because the little details in the story matter.

    3) There is too much to cover in this story, so if I move at a quick pace, I'm sorry. These events are minuscule ones leading into one huge important event.

    4) Even though, it's all minor, junior high romance, there are other parts of the story too. It will all come together later, much later, but in the meantime and probably all the way to Chapter 50, it will have romance.
  12. Where's my update :<
  13. I'm really busy, Ally 
  14. I just lost a whole chapter D:
  15. Well, I think everyone thinks it's a romance/drama story because basically all that's happened is romance/drama. So, if it's not, then I would suggest adding the non-romance/drama part soon. ^.^
  16. I dont think we shuld categorize a book until its finished. That is all.
  17. ......Chapter 50?
  18. Thanks Secret  I agree 

    And each update I say is a chapter.. So yeah 
  19. Please update soon!