First of all, let me just say this. My name is Jade. I'm 17 years old. I haven't got a father. Well... I did. He ran off with my mothers sister. My Aunt Josephine. I liked her but now she's with Dad, I hate her guts! He doesn't deserve her. He deserves us. Like old times when it was just me, Mum and Dad. Before Aunt Josephine came into the picture, Dad told me that he loves us both very much and he'll stay with us forever. What a liar! Aunt Josephine took him away from us and Mum broke down. She hasn't talked to her in years. I don't blame her though. Not even Nanna cared about her. She only had time for my Mum. I love Nanna. She spoils me rotten. Grandad died in 2003. He died in his sleep. We all thought it was the best way to go. For him anyway. Now onto my story about the secret love who no one should ever have discovered. New school, new house and new hairstyle. I wonder what it'll be like. I hope it's not too bad. The bell rings. Brrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg! I had no idea where I was supposed to go until a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up to me and said... * out of character* Sorry people but ur gonna have to wait for the next bit until next time!!
Hi people its the second part of My Secret Love so enjoy! ...and said," If your the new girl then your in my class. Come on and I'll show you where to go." He seemed so nice. I answer him in a shaky voice. "Thanks. Erm, what's your name?" He smiled then chuckled! "What's so funny?" I asked. He answered me once he'd stopped laughing!" You...that's such a classic line. I tell you where to go and ask me my name then the next minute when it's time to go home you'll be thinking about me and you might even start liking me.! He read me like a book. That's what happened at my other schools. Yeah, my other schools! I've been to seven other schools and have had to be transferred to a different school each time."So are you going to tell me your name?" He looked at me with his big, blue eyes. Oh, how they sparkled in the sunlight! "My names Luke. What's yours?" He asked." My name is Jade." We started walking to our tutor and he said." Well Jade...its time to go in now. Come on!" I wanted to hold his hand but I realised we weren't dating so I quickly pulled my hand away. *out of character* that's part 2 come back for more tomorrow or read my other fan fiction. Its called Girl of their Nightmares. Remember come back tomorrow for part 3!
New line after speech its really confusing when you use speech marks the go like so : "Hey Danny!" not " Hey Danny! " It just makes it way easier to read and I need more description! FEELINGS, SURROUNDINGS, APPEARANCE. Those are the main ones. Keep going though, we all start somewhere; take the criticism and you will get better .
Hi fan fiction followers so this is part 3 of My Secret Love and I hope you enjoy! Just a quick shout out to FNE_Luke the most amazing person in the world! .."So, what do we do at break then? Do we walk around or do we play for 15 minutes? I asked. What!? You can't blame me for asking cos, well, I'm new here. He looked at me and smiled."You really are confused aren't ya?!" He laughed at me whilst we were walking to our tutor. His laugh brightened up my day. As well as the whole new school thing, I knew he would be able to make me smile even through my darkest days. The next two lessons went past really fast. First I had Science with Mr Graham. That was so boring! The second lesson I had was English but I enjoyed that lesson because the teacher was really nice! Her name was Mrs Thompson. "So...when's lunch 'cos I'm starving!" I asked, trying to keep the rumbling sound in! "In about 5 minutes. I know how you feel! I'm always hungry!" He answered, smiling. That reminded me of something that my Mum said. She told me that if I made any friends while I was at school, I could have them over. So I thought,"I'll invite Luke over for tea!" I know I fancy Luke but I finally had a reason to have him over for myself! Thats part 3 ppl! Come back tomorrow for part 4 and if u want updates follow me!!