Someone I used to know

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri_, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Lol! xD Nice one Melissa!
  2. Oh my gosh so much mistakes  Sorry readers
  3. It's find Riri! I'm just happy you updated! Now what about Kidnapper?
  4.  hehehe kidnapper was a one-shot
  5. NOOOOOO. -sniffles- Crushed my dreams. Again V.V
  6. I'm sorry 
  7. -sniffles- It's fine.
  8. Bump, finally girl
  9. Kidnapper was a one-shot?
  10. Yeah it was a one-shot.  I'll update soon need to study Study STUDY 
  11. Update soon please?
  12. Waaaaaaaaaait a lil longer  please just a lil jm bout to finish my assignments