
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by the_destroyer, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Lilith; - laughs - What's wrong with that!?!? Honestly.. Are you just being a dumb ass or something?
  2. Scarlet: hey at least I haven't killed her!! Which I could have when you let her wander into the caves all by herself
  3. Lilith; she wanted time to think!! Ido have feelings and thoughts you know!
  4. Scarlet: yea Cruz when I want time to think I go and find a cave and make it into a make shift hours e
  5. Colin: now -turns to snow- your training begins -presses a button and a sparring bot starts up- defeat the sparring bot using only your hands
  6. Snow:looks at the thing and runs hiding behind a table- how the heck am I going to do that???
  7. Colin: it's a sparring bot that means its built to fight without inflicting serious injury watch -steps in front of the sparring bot and gets targeted then begins to fight it landing blow after blow until it falls over- you see
  8. Snow: that thing still scares me -steps out behind you and lightly pokes it with my foot- you sure it won't hurt me?
  9. Will: Damnit Scarlet...
  10. Scarlet: what! A gals gotta eat and live that was purely "hey I'm dying and I need blood"
  11. Isabella: -sighs- So are we going to try and get Snow back or let her do what she wants?
  12. Colin: yes I'm sure it won't hurt you other than the very rare bruise or if it falls on top of you they are quite heavy
  13. Will: I honestly don't trust that Colin kid
  14. Elizabeth: I don't trust him ether. I hope Snow doesn't get hurt..
  15. Will: I do too... -mutters- I do too...
  16. Snow: okay so worse scenerio I get squashed yay that sounds fun -sighs- okay I'm ready
  17. Will: Ya know what, I say we find her
  18. Isabella: I know where his hideout is. -grins and goes out my house-
  19. Isabella: *shifts into a cheetah and waits for him*
  20. Will: -follows her- Lead the way