megaman X Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *black-crimson (01), Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Aile:-walking when suddenly the city gets attack my Mavricks-
  2. Zero: -walks around in maverick hunters HQ- hmm
  3. Art:-enters and looks over the place- the hunters has stayl, that much thy have..
  4. Aile:-runs for cover-
  5. Art:-sees Zero and walks over to him- pardon?
  6. Zero: -hears the alarm goes off, looks at the monitor and sees some Mavericks attacking a near by plaza- Don't worry I'm on it
  7. Aile:-radios mavrick HQ- I need help over here...-explosion cut me off-
  8. Zero: -looks at Art at the last minute- sorry, I gotta go help
  9. Megaman: -walking through maverick hq-
  10. Aile: -keeps running- where are they coming from.-keeps running and hides in ally-
  11. Zero: -looks at X- come on we gotta go towards the signal of that radio message . Hurry!
  12. Megaman: yeah (going to take a nap be back later)
  13. Zero: guess I'm on my own on this one. -traces the signal, and teleports to the city the the signal's location -
  14. Aile: -pulls put biometal x and z- megamerge! -turns into megaman zx-
  15. Zero: -sees a group of mavericks surrounding Megaman ZX- hey! Did you send that distress message for help? -runs towards megaman slashing a couple of the mavericks with my Z saber-
  16. Zx: yeah I did. I need some help.
  17. Zero: alright then, lets do this! -stands side by side with Zx, pulling out my Z saber- ready?
  18. Zx: ready -runs towards Mavricks attacking slashing through them-
  19. Zero: -starts slashing a few of them to my right , backflips and kicks another one to the wall-