Isabella: -sighs- I'm going into my kitchen if anyone needs me...-walks into her kitchen- Danny: yea me too...-follows her-
Scarlet: Bella!! Don't leave me alone with these weirdos!!!! Snow:steps inside and looks around- nice .........hide out?
Isabella: -bursts into a fit of giggles- They aren't weirdos! Danny: -grabs the last mango- Isabella: Danny drop my last mango! Danny: Nah. -brings it towards his mouth- Isabella: -pounces on him making a clash of noise as she try's to grab the last mango-
-Storms into the hideout and pushes Colin against the wall- Get this bloody tracker out of my neck! -Snarls-
Isabella: -snatches the mango then gets off Danny and runs to Scarlet- Danny: Hey that was mine! -chases her- Isabella and Danny: -circles around Scarlet-
Scarlet: I know I'm already dead but I won't be able to move with no blood in me give me something to DRINK!!! -curses-