
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by the_destroyer, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Will: She's right -glaring at Scarlet- It's all your fault
  2. Isabella: -sighs- I'm going into my kitchen if anyone needs me...-walks into her kitchen-

    Danny: yea me too...-follows her-
  3. -Sits in a tree-
  4. Scarlet: Bella!! Don't leave me alone with these weirdos!!!!

    Snow:steps inside and looks around- nice .........hide out?
  5. Colin: yes it's a hide out
    (Imma post what his hideout looks like)
  6. -Tries to rip out the tracker-
  7. Snow: hmm never been in one of these before
  8. Isabella: -bursts into a fit of giggles- They aren't weirdos!
    Danny: -grabs the last mango-
    Isabella: Danny drop my last mango!
    Danny: Nah. -brings it towards his mouth-
    Isabella: -pounces on him making a clash of noise as she try's to grab the last mango-
  9. Here is what his hideout interior looks like
  10. (That's the batman lair!!!! Haha)
  11. (It's the closest I could get to what his hideout looks like)
  12. (Haha that's okay but still)
  13. -Storms into the hideout and pushes Colin against the wall- Get this bloody tracker out of my neck! -Snarls-
  14. Snow:backs away in fear-
  15. Isabella: -snatches the mango then gets off Danny and runs to Scarlet-
    Danny: Hey that was mine! -chases her-
    Isabella and Danny: -circles around Scarlet-
  16. Scarlet: you both know that I'm bleeding to death here right?
  17. Colin: -pulls out a remote and shocks Sam- ill take it out when you have repaid your family debt
  18. Isabella: But your a vampire..Aren't you already dead? Plus I don't know how to help you..-frowns-
  19. -Lunges for Colin's neck, the pain making me more angry-
  20. Scarlet: I know I'm already dead but I won't be able to move with no blood in me give me something to DRINK!!! -curses-