megaman X Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *black-crimson (01), Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Aile: my name is Aile. Nice to meet u.
  2. Art: You a Reploid? What rank?
  3. Megaman
    Many different weapons
  4. (Note Magamans name here is X. But accsepted )
  5. (I like megaman better so ill use megaman but you can refer to me as x)
  6. Aile: no I'm human. I just use biometal to help me when I need to fight
  7. Art: I see. Then we are quiet diffrent.. You and I..
  8. Aile: what do u mean? Aren't u a human?
  9. Art:-shakes head and turns into her Reploid form- Im a new generason of Reploids called Humanoides.
  10. Aile: oh I see. That's cool. So what was in that package anyways?
  11. Art: Blood and robot parts..
  12. Aile: I see. Are you going to build more?
  13. Name: Zero
    Creator: Dr. Willy
    X's best friend and partner as Maverick hunters.
    Using his Z saber
  14. Art: hm? My mother made 12 other bots like me. Im just her first and ultimet. We use blood not oil.

    (cmon people. You are all accsepted. Where are you all?)
  15. Aile: I see. That's pretty cool.
  16. (oh yes!! Now we are talking. Accsepted with a smile)
  17. Art: I can say more but most info is Classefide.

    Profesor Shadowfox: Art please report to the Reploids bass.

    Art: Roger. -walks off-
  18. Aile: bye.-walks out and head to city-
  19. (okay other people. Here is a good place to jump in)

    Art:-araives at the Reploids bass- I ask for promison to enter.