This was a drawing I did as a preview of marker work I'm the best at marker work in my class mainly cause I use them a lot
You know what? I really can't bother to give a flying fuck anymore. Candy, get that engorged stick out of your ass. Don't act like you've never cussed in your entire life, because you have, and might I say more than you think you do. With that said, I hope you all grow up and stop acting like bastards with a false sense of grandeur, because you don't. I'm willing to not swear, but don't act as if you have a say in everything just because. :>
yes RollingStone, Uh this is last nights sketch, hope you all like it, sorry they have no eyes, I'm pathetic at drawing eyes
Yeah oh well lol, my textiles teacher said I don't need to draw eyes if I want to be a fashion designer
Aye. If someone were to ask me not to curse, I wouldn't throw a fit, so I'm not sure about this engorged stick you're talking about. My ass is stick-free and freshly bleached, would you like to check?
If that's what you consider a fit, then boy would I hate to show you what you said to me in PM the last time we talked.
Ha! Dear oh dear, playing coy does not suit you. I am interested in seeing this fit of mine, seeing as how we havn't had each other followed in quite a while. But, I do call your little "episodes" hissyfits, seeing as how myself and a few others are waiting for you to throw your bottle on the ground and refuse to eat your mashed peas until you get your way.
Excuse me? Oh dear. It's another one of Jess's little bitch tit comebacks again. You know, I still don't know how this shit cycle of hate is coming again and again. Didn't you crawl to my pm asking for a ceasefire a few months ago? Come on. Grow up. I don't want to have to reply to your stupidity by stooping down to your own level with equally crap insults of my own, but if you're going to act like a bleating goat who wants to piss on your own iDevice then how the fuck am I supposed to reply to you without snickering every Goddamn five seconds? We both know we're better than this. Come on and man up, Ari. I don't even care about this grudge anymore. Chop chop, time to be decent human beings and reasonable adults now! PLAY TIME IS OVAH.
Lol. Your favor is really shallow. Do you not know how to ask for something without inputting your snideness? I'm starting to think you're quite incapable of that.
Ceasefire? Ceasefire my ass. I hope you have the conversation saved, because what I requested was not a "ceasefire", it was a truce because at one point we were [shocking ] friends. More so, acquaintances. I'm not sure how you managed to throw a goat and some pissing in your argument, but bravo for making absolutely no sense. And about this "cycle of hate" you're speaking of... I'm not seeing how it's all on me? You choose to act as if people should bow down and kiss your footie pajamas, I choose to publicly "tsk" at you, and you choose to reply. It's how this little relationship works, didn't you know? But see, the difference between you and I is.. I know I'm not an adult. I understand my age, and my boundaries, but you don't. You're a scared little girl who's trying to grow up too fast. You know it, somewhere deep in your mind, but instead of acknowledging that little inkling that keeps telling you how old you are, you ignore it completely and try to prove yourself to the people who can actually *do* grown up things. Why do you feel like you have something to prove, Chloe? This isn't a grudge. This is the mindset of watching you fall. I hope that when you fall, you fall hard, and then maybe rock bottom will teach you a few things.
You know, Ari, I'm not going to call you something stupid or awful. I'm not the same kind of person who would not hesitate to punch a virtual hole in your face. This isn't cowardice, this is me telling you to sit the fuck down and grow the hell up. Let's face it. No one's winning this game and my participation ended ages ago. I'm just telling you that I'm going to choose to be mature and offering you a choice to also stop acting like a kid wanting attention, and move on. We were friends once. This ended with you pulling a Jess and turning into a carbon copy, which turned into an even bigger shit mass of whatever the hell you turned into. I'm not asking for friendship, or a truce, I'm asking for you to step down from this absurd thought that you might actually 'win' this made up game of 'bringing me down to my fall'. This mindset is childish, and with that your logic is even more. You're not an adult. You're a child basking in my attention. Isn't that what you want? To get support because you despise me so? To watch me struggle to keep up? Newsflash, darling, it isn't happening. I've matured. That doesn't mean I'm smarter or more wiser or whatever, it means I changed from the little grub I once was to something else. You can do that too. I'm not asking you to change for me, but please get that silly thought out of your head. I repeated this for a bunch of times already. I don't expect people bowing down to kiss my ass, because I myself am a failure of all sorts and I am a human being, exposed to multiple flaws and I have holes in my made up fairy wings. I'm not God's gift to humanity, I'm simply just another spectator and participant of a game we all play. I'm no more different. Just because I am myself with flaws in my personality with a strange attitude doesn't mean I want you to kiss my rectum. Are you me? Nope. Nobody wants to be. So how would you know what I wanted? What I need? You don't. Come on, Ari. I'm not going to fall, because I never flew the first time. Let's stop snapping at each other's backs like dogs and just walk separate ways. I'm done having to put up with your trashy insults and I am sure you're done with mine. Grow up. That, and I'd gladly talk to you on pal to sort out our problems. I don't have a grudge against you, truth be told, I'm just tired of having to put up with bullshit.
Oh, and OP, I'm sorry about this. If you're offended in any way, I just wanted to tell you I'm also sorry about that fan fiction mishap there.