
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by the_destroyer, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Blood:pulls his head to one shoulder- Why?
  2. Snow:walks up to the two- I don't need protection or you two putting your selves in harms way against him, he's dangerous and I can't let you two do that
  3. Lilith; - glares at snow - tough luck Snow. He is dangerous but he is a human.. We can take him.
  4. Isabella: -grabs snow and runs off to my house- Ok I'll protect her!
    Danny: I just thought you would since demons could care less about humans.
  5. Snow: Bella please I can't let you and Lilith do this after all you two have done for me! We don't even know if he's going to hurt me!
  6. Isabella: But we can't trust him too!
  7. Will: -runs to Bella's house-
  8. Snow:-sees will and looks down- h-how did you find me?
  9. Will: Wasn't hard
  10. Isabella: -looks at Will- How was it not hard to find her?
  11. Colin: -steps up behind Lilith- I wish to find snow so that I can help her you may think I'm heartless but that doesn't mean I am maybe if you'd seen the horrors that I have you'd understand -turns and heads to find snow-
  12. Will: Just wasn't
  13. Blood:.... I take your virginety, and you lat me. But Even for a demon.. Im not heartless like many Humans.
  14. Isabella: Okie.. Guess I'm not very good at hiding people -frowns-

    Danny: Yea many humans can be heartless.
  15. Lilith; - shifts into a vampire and steps infront of Colin - I have been though horrors too. Don't think you the only one who has had a hard time. I don't want you to take this the wrong way but I don't exactly trust you... One because you have weapons and two because last time you stabbed me with one of them. And the funny thing is Snow saw it happen so there is no chance she will want hell from you. - hisses -
  16. Will: I've always been the best at hide and seek
  17. Isabella: -grins- I love that game! -sits on her couch- Wow..basically playing Hide and Seek. I'm hiding Snow while Colin is trying to find her..Anyways this place is hard for humans to spot..
  18. Colin: -looks at Lilith- have you ever watched helpless as someone you loved was killed before your eyes because if you haven't then you will never understand me and it doesn't matter where you try to hide snow I can find her I'm a hunter after all we pride ourselves on our ability to track
  19. Blood: Question. Why did you lat me take it? Any resons?
  20. Danny: -shrugs- you let me down from that roof on one condition..because of Isabella and her friend. Speaking of Isabella I need to go talk to her..