Sephiroth: Heh. *Ignores the others* Cloud. You believed you could avoid me forever? Cloud: Wrong. I was waiting for the moment to strike! *Launches up into the air*
Krys: What? Cloud: *Starts fighting Sephiroth in the air* Today, we finish this! Sephiroth: *Easily blocks* Indeed, today you DIE! *Counters*
(No a in his name. Sephiroth.) Sephiroth: *Dodges and the shots barely miss Cloud* Useless. Cloud: *Rushes Sephiroth* Nobody interfere! This is my fight!
Krys: Another stranger... Cloud: *Busy fighting* Sephiroth: *Laughs darkly* Wonderful, the worlds are crashing together...
Laguna: what the heck is going on here? Tidus: -walks up next to Laguna- whatever it is its not good and it's about to get worse I can feel it Jecht: what's the matter kid you gonna cry again Tidus: -turns-
Krys: Who are these people? Sephiroth: Now watch your friends die! *Launches a massive attack at the group below* Cloud: No! (The attack hits, nobody dies, but everybody is scattered in pairs with people they don't know.)
Krys: *Coughs and opens her eyes* Ah, that... That hurt... *Winces as she hears a crack and groans in pain*