hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Riku: Nah, I just don't wanna share with anyone else
  2. Bandit: -Smiles- Then we should get going then
  3. Riku: Let's find somewhere where nobody else is...
  4. -Lies in the courtyard reading-
  5. James: -fast asleep-
  6. (Hi. :L This is my other account.)
    Bandit: -Thinks for a minute then gets an idea- The room of requirement?
  7. Ari: *Swimming*
  8. Lauryn: *Grabs Ari's leg from below and giggles*
  9. Sorry it's late. Hope you accept anyways.

    Name: Emmalyn Jordan
    Year: 6
    Looks: [​IMG]

    Personality: laid back, loner, strong, kind, caring, adventurous, optimistic, strong-willed, doesn't trust easily.
    House: Gryffyndor

    Sorry for misspelling anything.
  10. What's the year six youngest age? I haven't read HP in a while.
  11. (I think that's fine, so I'll accept it, although Sam or Kira can deny it(
  12. Bandit: -Raises eyebrow- You haven't heard of the room of requirement before?
  13. (How do you open the room of requirement?:3 I'd check on le Internet but it's being really slow. D: )
  14. (By requiring it xD)