All of these damn rp's.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by SVG-TheFaLLenFenrir-, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. And hysterical 
  2. I was ranting at uh...someone...about having a big ego, looks like I'll have to do two rants...
  3. 
  4. I think we all know who that is. 
  5. A. You two can stop trolling
    B. they won't make an rp section
    C. Quit your ******* ********!
  6. I wish you all rp'ers to step on a Lego!
  7. I remember you from your art threads. Go away destroyer, nobody likes you.
  8. Boulon, that was rude... Wish them to fall off a bridge or something like that. Not to step on a lego. Are you a damn psycho?!
  9. Sinister, I think you mean :eek:ops*: without the asterisk.
  10. IT CHANGES COLORS!!! Whoa.
  11. HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING THIS!! All I have are emojis and half of them can't work on FF. it just says "Unknown Result" 
  12. Well, :mrgreen: is a bb code. And a lot of the new emojis don't work on PIMD because I guess it just hasn't put in the data for it to recognize the new emojis…?

    I dunno. That sentence made no sense.
  13. I would join this trolling but I'm too tired.
  14. No, I think you're right Sammie. That makes perfect sense!
  15. ....what an off topic thread. What a childish argument. What horrible names. Sure, I could bother with trying to force someone into seeing it my way, but it's a fruitless endeavor. So instead I'll come on this thread and laugh at how some people attempt to argue, valid and invalid alike, and I'll write this semi-passive-aggressive post for no other reason than to kill time. Now I will go to sleep and forget the existence of such things. Good day to you sir, or madam, or Madame.
  16. You clearly don't remember my art threads very well then vasto because I had plenty of people defending me and also I've stepped on Lego before and I've stepped on a nail and the nail was worse so ill gladly step on a Lego again over a nail and also I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people who like me and vasto if you don't like the rps then don't even look at them simple as that
  17. God, you couldn't just let this waste of space thread die?