hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Riku: *Laughs, slightly forced* Right back atcha! *Leaves before it can get any more awkward*
  2. Bandit: -Sighs, then walks away towards the libray, to study-
  3. Riku: *Leans against a wall and sighs* I'm hopeless...
  4. Bandit: -Keeps walking to the libray, trying to think of different things to distract herself-
  5. Riku: *Heads to the courtyard, sulking a bit*
  6. Bandit: -Enters the libray. Looks through the books. Picks one out and flips through it, not paying much attention-
  7. Lauryn: *Pokes Ari again* Hey!
  8. Riku: *Heads out onto the school grounds and lays down on some grass*
  9. Bandit: -Reads for a bit then wanders back towards the hufflepuff common room-
  10. -Reads a students work and Facepalms the desk in disbelief- That's a F-
  11. (Sam's new looks (yes I'm changing them again):
    And she has the Slytherin crest on a locket that hangs from her neck)
  12. Riku: *Falls asleep*
  13. (Wrong picture:
    Right picture ^
  14. Ari: *Grins, and kisses*
  15. Bandit: -Says the password and walks in. Greets a few other hufflepuffs who are nearby-
    Jess: -Looking for the place where the room of requirement is-
  16. Lauryn: *Kisses back* Hello, love! How have you been?
  17. Ari: Good, and you? *Smiles*
  18. Lauryn: I've been more entertained than I am, but I'm pretty good. *Hugs*
  19. Bandit: -Sits on one of the armchairs-
    Jess: -Searching-