hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. I better go start marking books -Sighs and apperates to my classroom-
  2. Ari: *Smiles*

  3. James: -gets up and starts walking through the halls-
  4. -A note appears in front of James- Hey hun, it's me, I'm in my class if you need me ~Sam
  5. James: -starts walking to Sams class-
  6. Riku: Uh-um... If you want, I could always play a song or something... *Looks nervous*
    Lauryn: Well, how are you, dear?
    Kris: *Starts the next lesson*
  7. -Opens the door with a flick of my hand-
  8. Bandit: -Smiles- I'd like to hear you, but only if you don't mind...
  9. (What class does Sam teach?)
  10. Riku: *Surprised* Oh, uh-um... Of course! *Takes out wand* Accio guitar!
  11. (Muggle Studies)
  12. (Okay. :D)
    Bandit: -Looks at the guitar, still smiling-
  13. Riku: *Blushes a little and pulls a guitar pick from his pocket, then clears his throat and begins to play "Thistles and Weeds" by Mumford & Sons*
  14. Ari: *Walks around humming*
  15. Bandit: -Listens, surprised. Grins at him, when the song ends- Wow, you're a really good singer
  16. Lauryn: *Pokes Ari* Hey love.
    Riku: *Blushes* Th-thanks...

    (You should listen to that song, it's great :p )
  17. (It's awesome. :0 :D )
    Bandit: -Smiles slightly- You're welcome
  18. (Ikr, I love Mumford & Sons)
    Riku: *Smiles and turns more red*
  19. Bandit: -Laughs at his expression. Thinks, awkwardly trying to change the subject- Sooo, wacha doing before you bumped into me? -laughs-
  20. Riku: Uh... Nothing, really... I was sorts bored.