hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Ari: *Studying in the library*
  2. Bandit: What genre of music do you ussually play/sing?
  3. Riku: All sorts, really... Just anything that I feel like learning...
  4. Lauryn: *Yawns and sits in the courtyard*
  5. Bandit: Cool -Nods and smiles-
  6. Ari: *Sighs* I don't get any of this.. *Throws the book*
  7. (Meh)

    -Finds Kris- How do you manage?
  8. Lauryn: *Gets up and goes into the castle*
    Riku: *Smiles* Thanks... What music do you like?
  9. Kris: *Looks over at Sam and laughs* I dunno really.
  10. Ari: *Leans head back, and sighs*
  11. -Makes a glass of water appear on the table and drinks it- First years are the worst
  12. Bandit: I like most types, but I guess I prefer rock. Indie's good too.
  13. Lauryn: *Heads to the library*
    Kris: Nah, they're often fun to watch... Then again, my class involves me watching them fling spells around at each other.
  14. First years don't care about muggles though
  15. Riku: Nice. *Leans against a wall*
  16. Ari: *Tries out a spell, but ends up exploding a table* Dammit.
  17. Bandit: -Looks curious, wondering what he sounds like singing. Shrugs it off, feeling it'd be awkward to ask- Yup.
  18. Lauryn: *Raises an eyebrow and fixes the table, chuckling* Blowing stuff up? Are you that bored?
  19. Ari: *Laughs* Guess I am.
  20. Lauryn: *Kisses Ari, giggling*