"I can't," I said hurriedly, attempting to shut the door. The man's eyes widened and he suddenly seemed very nervous but he just bowed politely. "I will relay this to Prince Kirtak," he said cordially. "I am sure he will be very saddened by your absence tonight." Then he walked off quickly down the hallway. I closed the door and leaned against it feeling a chill run through my spine. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of me but butterflies of trepidation began stirring in my stomach as my eyes went to my phone. Who is this? I texted furiously but my fingers had barely left the keyboard before a reply came chiming back. I have your notebook. You want it? Come to Castrum Lilium tonight, princess. The front desk called about half an hour later alerting me that a car had arrived to pick me up. I had put on some eyeliner and rouge but I wasn't sure what to expect. I had a black skirt and red blouse on, but I wasn't sure if it would be acceptable. I felt despair in my stomach. I was not invited to this party and I was sure Zane would be displeased to see me coming unannounced. But my notebook would cause me greater embarrassment if I didn't retrieve it, so it had to be done! Steeling myself I left my hotel room and made my way to the lobby. The driver opened the back door of the limousine as I approached. "Please change before we arrive at our destination," the elderly driver said as he shut the door after me. To my surprise I saw that laid out in the back seat was an outfit neatly folded. The back windows were tinted and the partition to the front was fully raised. It seemed it was private enough. I picked up the gold fabric and realized that it was a rather scandalous interpretation of Belle's ball gown from Beauty and the Beast. "Princess indeed..." I said as I began changing. To my chagrin, the dress only came mid-thigh and it was obvious modesty was not important to the dress' bust line. The glittery heels were no help. I didn't wear heels often besides some low heels for work, but these were ridiculous and so tall I felt I'd turn an ankle. My face felt so hot I didn't think I could leave the limousine but too soon the vehicle stopped and the driver opened the door. "I will return at midnight, ma'am," he said and left before I could protest further. Standing in the driveway before Castrum Lilium I stared up at the foreboding building. The marble steps were lined with circular lights making the stone glitter in the night. There were white lilies surrounding a great fountain in the center of the drive, and grand columns lining the arching entryway. Hobbling forward I made my way to the doorway. There were two large men in suits that stared at me as I approached. They looked at each other in confusion and I realized that I'd need an excuse to enter the building. Reaching into my purse I pulled out my phone. I'm here.
The door swung open from the inside and a woman stood there in a long white gown. She stared at me a moment before laughing raucously. She gasped for breath as a couple other women behind her tittered from under their gloved hands. It only took me a second to see that none of them were dressed in costume like I was, and none of them wore anything nearly as revealing. I felt my heart sink as I realized that I was being played as a fool. The woman in white stepped forward with her posse following her. "Look, it's the harlot princess," she crowed as she came to stand before me. "Nice outfit." Her cruel eyes pierced into me. Embarrassed I pulled away as she reached out to tug at the scant fabric. Her eyes narrowed. "My notebook..." I began, not sure if I was begging or demanding. The tall woman in blue with a hook nose reached into her purse and pulled out a familiar black pad. I recognized it immediately as my notebook. "You mean this thing?" She said in a nasally voice. I jumped at her and the woman in white pushed me backwards. Off balance from the impractical heels I stumbled. The third woman grabbed my arm as I fell and I heard the ripping of the flimsy dress. Landing hard I felt the asphalt beneath my palms and cringed. "Why are you doing this?" I gasped as I looked up at the three. "Stay away from the princes," the woman in white said with a nasty look on her face. "Especially Zane." Trying to get to my feet, my eyes couldn't stop drifting to the notebook in the woman in blue's hands. It was definitely mine. I wasn't sure how they had gotten it but I had an idea that I must have left it behind when I was with Siegfried. How surprising to be in this type if situation amongst royalty and nobles! I felt a flashback to my high school days. "What's going on here?" asked a soft yet commanding voice. "P-Prince DeGillus!" exclaimed the woman in white, whirling to face the newcomer. Zane's slender fingers reached out and plucked the notebook from the stunned woman in blue's hands. Then his deep blue eyes flitted to where I sat on the ground. He looked furious. The third woman seemed entirely embarrassed at the whole ordeal and was trying to shrink away. "This type of behavior is unsightly," Zane said his tone unnaturally cold. His eyes flashed dangerously as he looked at the women. "Lady Pamela, I don't see how someone of your caliber could do this." The woman in white sputtered. "Your highness, I was only thinking of Miss Helen..." The Prince's eyes went dark and a sadness seemed to cross his face. The three women exchanged nervous looks and quickly disappeared back inside the residence. Zane stepped forward, towering over me. I stared up at his regal figure dressed in a white outfit and gold trimmed cloak. He extended a gloved hand to me and helped me from the ground. His other hand held tightly to the notebook. As we stood his gaze trailed over my exposed collarbone and I flushed violently. I had forgotten in the scuffle that the women had played a nasty trick with my clothing. I quickly wrapped my arms around my chest in a futile attempt to regain some decency. A snapping sound and then a whooshing sound filled my ears. I felt a warm and soft heaviness settle around my shoulders. Looking up into Zane's face I realized that he had unfastened his cloak and wrapped it about me.
Sorry everyone I came down with bronchitis so for the last two days I've been coughing nonstop. I'll try and write tonight but no promises, I'm in quite a bit of discomfort
Don't worry, Jihi. Take your time to take a rest. Don't push yourself too much. Your readers will be here, waiting for you~