The username game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *nicestpersonever (01), Nov 25, 2012.

  1. .-. 2

    Terry shucks, but gets a 10
  2. 10 for Cindy Lou who
  3.  10 then
  4. YES!!! 10 back to you terry... Again 10 btw I'm silenced
  5. Awww that sucks! Shouldn't have spammed that thread ya dummy
  6. It was b4 I spammed lol 10 4 u again :)
  7. 0

    I kid. I joke. Y I no believe me, Cindy?

  8. Potato
  9. 10 gohan and -cindy-
    Are also awesome :D
  10. Lol terry I'm giving u 10's :)
  11. Oooops i mean 6