hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. (Lol, why are Bandit and Jess confused?)
  2. (Jess=Lost, Bandit=Still confused over homework. :0 xD)
  3. (Lol)
    Riku: *Starts walking through the halls*
  4. James: how do I know?
  5. -Touches his forehead, enabling him to see him through my eyes- I adore you James. I would never willingly hurt you. Even if it lead to me dying instead
  6. James: then what happened when your eyes turned black and a black mark was on your head?
  7. That was my death eater self. The person my dad wanted me to grow up as. But I changed. The evil me is forever gone
  8. James: -curls into a ball-
  9. James: -wimpers a little-
  10. -Kisses his forehead and sings a lullaby-
  11. James: -starts falling asleep-
  12. -Makes sure he has peaceful dreams and holds him all night, staying awake to protect him-
  13. James: -holds my hands around your waist and my head on your breast-
  14. Lauryn: *Leaves the meeting and exhales* God, those meetings take forever...
  15. Ari: *Sneaks up behind Lauryn*
  16. Lauryn: *Yawns and stretches* No classes today, Kris is handling them...
  17. Ari: *Grins, and kisses* Great..
  18. Lauryn: *Blinks in surprise, then kisses back happily* Ari!