FareWell 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yak-JIU-LEAKY_JoposTutChrissy-, Jan 5, 2013.

  1.  shhh I know ... 
  2. Ohmyjesus  I was in a screen shot >83
  3. Lucky!
  4. Oh, and in the very first SS... I can't tell if Chloe is talking about you, or herself.

    Smh ;)
  5. Weren't my words of wisdom amazing? 
  6. It really does seem like Chloe is talking about herself 
  7. o_O wow. Farewell!!! & Welcome Back!!!! 
  8. [​IMG]

    Hang it up on your fridge
  9. I admire Brit
  10. My fridge is where it shall hang, my dear children.

    *hangs it on my fridge*
  11. >:0 Hanging is a thing of the past, use the magnetic plastic letters :cool:
  12. I use those to put dirty words on secret places >93
  13. >93 <--- Can be a face too? 
  14. Not on the list for a reason I suppose 