FootLongSandwich is scum

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FootIongSandwich, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. 
  2. Lol 
  3. FootLongSandwhich is my fucking hero.

    FootLongSandwich is a bitch. That I know. 
  4. Devil 

    I hate phantasm s alt 
  5. Watch out. There's a mod going on a thread locking rampage
  6. that's ok if it gets locked it's because that scumbag foot complained
  7. 
  8. Phant hasn't got an alt 
  9. Oh, foot is Phant's alt? 

    But Phant's a unicorn not a kangaroo botherer 
  10.  Are they lovers maybe? lol
  11. Wait who is FootLongSandwich?? 

    I only know LongFootSandwich who is the biggest noob and hater in pimd.
  12. Your face is scum
  13. Dont insult Irem (Passion) 
  14. FootLongSandwich ate my face!!!! What kind sick person does that???

    *when you find another person that does, let me know
  15. All of you is scum.
  16. The world is scum. My face is scum
  17. Scumscum scumity scum and a scum scum scum scum scum.
  18. Ya we all are rubbish 